by 10tje 18 Jan 2011

I'm really overwhelmed by your sweet comments.

I thought I would just like to Comment.
I'll be back with my website.
There will be lots to download, soon.
I'm working hard now so that you can download again.
Thanks so much for your great support.
And all the emails I received.
I try to respond as much as possible.

I must again take the fun of designing back.
but that will be fine with time.
It took me all very hard.

But by including your comments, I decided to come back.
I got my domain back, so the address will not change.

Thanks dear cuties for everything.

Greetings 10tje


by tauberschmitt 20 Jan 2011

wir freuen uns alle riesig, und sind froh, daß Sie die Motivation wieder bekommen haben!!!

by airyfairy 20 Jan 2011

Glad you are back. Good luck with your site. Sarah.

by auntbaba 19 Jan 2011

I'm so glad that you will be back! You are quite talented and VERY generous, and no one should question you, your site, your generosity or anything else...Barb

by sdrise 19 Jan 2011

Glad you are back. Never let someone stop you from doing what you love. You are important here you have many friends here . Suzanne

by danababes 19 Jan 2011

Yay for you! :) :) Sooo glad you're website is coming back online even as your designs and projects are wonderful - thx for sharing all you do :)

I'm so glad you came back to Cuties too <3 xXx

by bevgrift 19 Jan 2011

So Glad that you are back.
Best Wishes

by persiancatlover 19 Jan 2011

welcome back jantina i'm glad that you have decided to bring your website back online and to come back here on cuteembroidery,you make so much beautifull projects and digitize so beautifull,i did miss your website,i'm so glad that you are back,good luck and enjoy making allot of beautifull things,gr connie

by lindaavolio 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back Jantina, so glad to have you back, we missed you.


by manami 18 Jan 2011

10, now I know your name Jantina, I'm so glad to see you are back, I wish I was strong like you, it took 5 months to come back after that rude comment from maymason. You go girl! Love and blessings, Yoriko

1 comment
danababes by danababes 19 Jan 2011

Yoriko, You're tougher than your give yourself credit for, girl. If only you could see in yourself what we see in you :) .. you're a Cutie! Hugz always :) xXx

by jacquipaul 18 Jan 2011

So glad you're back here with us. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to maintain a website, but your website was a favorite.
So glad you're back here on cute.
We love you and missed you when we thought you were gone. Remember that we care deeply for you and are so thankful for all of your generosity in sharing your lovely designs with us.

by melita 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back, so glad to have you back, we missed you.

by kidsaregr8 18 Jan 2011

welcome back loved your designs. Annie

by tmbache 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back, Really Really Glad you decided to come back and do what you love doing best. Hugs to you our friend!!!!

by gayle950 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back. Do what you love.

by marleymoo 18 Jan 2011

Just thrilled to see you back!
Love from Ireland! :-)

by embroiderymad 18 Jan 2011

Great to hear. You site was great.

by asterixsew Moderator 18 Jan 2011

Hi 10tje welcome back and thanks for making this choice. Look towards the future and I seem to have added my message to a huge listand as I write your flowers are a great number of 40404, sorry I spoilt it by giving you another

by noah 18 Jan 2011

You made a very tough choice & you made the right one !!It is very upsetting when people are mean .May God Bless You!!carolyn

by anangel 18 Jan 2011

This is GREAT news, 10tje!! So glad to have to back!
You are amongst friends, and we all care! You are very
talented; your designs are wonderful! Keep your chin up
and know you are special and gifted! May the Lord bless
you and meet your needs each new day!

by fannyfurkin 18 Jan 2011

My dear friend, you already know how happy I am that your website is back up. You must remember that any time you are having difficulty you have many friends that you can turn to for support. I will be there as to help in any way that I can.

by nonna57 18 Jan 2011

WELCOME BACK :))))))))

by gramsbear 18 Jan 2011

I am so glad to hear that!!! You are good at what you do and should continue! Hugs & Prayers, Judy

by devon 18 Jan 2011

I am soooo happy that you are back!! DeVon

by gdsteliga 18 Jan 2011

Glad to see you back. Not sure what happened. Sorry for your misfortune.

God bless

by mariahail 18 Jan 2011

Happy to have you back.*****

by sigrun 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back 10je, thank you for all your designs.

by ssampsel 18 Jan 2011

so glad you're back!!! happy days are here again!!

by cloey 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back. Your designs are beautiful. I don't know what happened before but glad your back. God bless you. Cloey

by mary51 18 Jan 2011

Glad you are back!!!!

by caroldann 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back to one special talented cutie!

by castelyn 18 Jan 2011

10tje, It is great to see you back and your website.

Hugs Yvonne

by sadp 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back, We are so grateful that you can share your talent with us again, we missed you and your wonderful work.

by designgirl 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back.

by reanav 18 Jan 2011

Grazie, ti aspettavamo

by softhearted1 18 Jan 2011

So glad you came back to the Cute family as well as continuing with your website. You have a lot of friends here who care about you and appreciate all that you do for them as well. You have a wonderful talent that you so generously share with others. Stay strong and positive. Let all the negativity go and enjoy what it is that you enjoy doing. You have a lot of wonderful people here who care about you as well. Once again, welcome back :)

by clawton 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back.

by 02kar Moderator 18 Jan 2011

Yea. Your post is an answer to prayer. I am so glad that you are back with us.

by sewdeb 18 Jan 2011

Glad to hear you are back! You were missed. *'s

by katydid 18 Jan 2011

I guess that I missed what happened, but I am glad all is well. People should be more careful what they post as it may hurt someone's feelings. Glad you are back!!! Love you!!! Kay

by ddouville 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back, Debbie

by shirlener88 18 Jan 2011

Good for you dear one - that is great - keep on stitching.

by crafter2243 Moderator 18 Jan 2011

Oh I am so glad. I was so saddened to think that not so kind persons or person would win. Good for you not to let this happen. We really appreciate you. Most of all I am happy to see you back at cute. It would have been so sad not to be able to read your posts. Keep the good spirit and ignore the bad and enjoy life and your craft Hugs Angie

by lbrow 18 Jan 2011

Congratulations you are my kind of people. You get knocked down but you get right back, up brush the dust off & get started again. That makes you a winner in my book. I heartily commend you & if I could I would pin a medal on you. You deserve it. My very best wishes to you./Lillian

jrob by jrob 18 Jan 2011

hear, hear!

lerman by lerman 18 Jan 2011

exactly / Peggy

by gerryvb 18 Jan 2011

congratulations one more time. It's great to see you here again. And great to see your site again too!!what would this cute family be without 10tje!!?
hugs/love and *** for you!

by lildoll 18 Jan 2011

i will not forget the extra help you gave to dl the christmas designs for me , thank you , glad to see your back !!!!

by sewfrenzie 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back!! So glad you're back! You where greatly missed! Sometimes it takes something like this to really find out how much you really mean to people. I was so happy to see all the support you got. Just goes to show Jealousy gets you no where! And those that care not only give to others but recieve from them during the hard times. Never give up your passions because of someone else. They are the most important things in your life.

by almag 18 Jan 2011

Hi 10tje....
I'm so glad you're back on deck with us again!!!!!
Very soon the beauty of the craft you love so much will engulf you and you'll be our own loving, generous, talented and inspiring 10tje once more.

by iris2006 18 Jan 2011

Jantina, je hebt de goede beslissing genomen en je het plezier niet laten ontnemen. Kijk alleen naar de positieve reacties en laat de negatieve voor wat ze waard zijn (Niets dus).

Jantina, you've made the right decision en did not let take other people your pleasure.
Only look to the positive reactions here and let the negative ractions for what they are worth (Nothing)

by maleah 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back. Thanks for all of your hard work.

by kathyjt 18 Jan 2011

So good to have you back Thanks

by legare 18 Jan 2011

thanks so much for your come back

by quail 18 Jan 2011

Thank-you so much for coming back. You have a very generous heart. You would share your work and designs with us and always tell us all to have fun. I do have fun with my embroidery but mostly because of people like you who have been showing me how to be generous with what I do. What a lesson in Love. Welcome back! You have made my day.

by sdrise 18 Jan 2011

Yeah again Glad you ae back!! We can not lose any talented people here. I am glad you see how well you are loved here. Suzanne

by ken174 18 Jan 2011

Yeah!!!!! So happy to have you and your site back. You were definetly missed! Thanks for everything you do, San

by mehhouse 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back. I look forward to seeing new projects and designs. You are so very creative.


by thecraftycritter 18 Jan 2011

Very pleased to see that you have decided to make your website available again. You have given us so many wonderful designs and we do appreciate all you have given us.

by marthie 18 Jan 2011

This is wonderful news. Wish you only the best.

by lulu07 18 Jan 2011

So happy to hear that you decided to come back...we all love your designs and glad to hear that you could get over that hurdle and continue doing what you love. WELCOME BACK!

by leenova54 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back! We are so glad you decided to return! Don't give in to hateful people, it only gives them more power. There are many more Cuties here who have nothing but love in their hearts for our craft and each other!

edithfarminer by edithfarminer 18 Jan 2011

Here here, well said!!! Fijn dat je je site weer hebt

iris2006 by iris2006 18 Jan 2011

Fully agree with that.

by lique 18 Jan 2011

Gelukkig dat je wee terug bent. Ik hoop dat de support van alle cuties geholpen heeft.

by suzettebritz 18 Jan 2011

Thank you very much for bringing your site back! Many of us appreciate your work!

by eleen 18 Jan 2011

Glad you are back ***

by turtleowl 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back and thank you for bringing your site back. You have many nice and different things which are a joy to look at and I hope to try to make some soon.

by lflanders 18 Jan 2011

I am glad to hear you are going to start over a new leaf. New year, new beginnings! I have no idea what happened but whoever or whatever caused you to close your site is not important! The only thing that is important is that you do what is important to you and you should always put yourself above everyone that is trying to cause you problems. If you are right in your heart, never let anyone sway you about what you love to do and believe in! Life is too short to let anyone take away your happiness! You have alot of friends right here and when you have a problem, just sound it out with someone that you trust. You can not live your life to what someone else thinks or tries to do. You must always be true to yourself first and all others that you love second, Be honest to yourself and ignore those who try to cause you problems. If you can't be true yourself and live doing the things that you enjoy, you will never get anywhere in life. You have a great talent and you love to share it with others. That puts you a cut above most right there! You go for it and don't ever let anyone try to quiet your creative side! Godd luck with all you do!

1 comment
sewfrenzie by sewfrenzie 18 Jan 2011

Well said! We are all so glad you are back!

by kraai 18 Jan 2011

Welcome back.

by sewdoctor 18 Jan 2011

I am so glad you decided to bring your site back. It is a shame that some people are so mean spirited that they have to ruin someone else's joy. I have enjoyed your site, and love your designs..Welcome Home!

by lindalee757 18 Jan 2011

Jantina-So glad to see you come back..I had to look in my files to see what designs of yours I have-wow-I have a bunch-alot of the fancy fonts..
Hope you don't let the ignorant, nasty people the lead you to leave before, get to you again-
you have a great deal of followers that love your work & those that don't can just turn the other way and GO away. Welcome back~linda~

by lani02 18 Jan 2011

Good news about your web site. Your designs are very cute and beutiful, full of your love. Looking forward to seeing your new designs.

by dilceia 18 Jan 2011

This is wonderful news! I am happy in have you back to the our conviviality! Thanks! It took a great decision. A hug, good friend.

by test 18 Jan 2011

Thank you so much to all Cuties for your prayers for Jantina:) Dear Jantina, you are a lucky person, you have so many friends here who are willing to help at any time.
Love, Veronika

1 comment
nonna57 by nonna57 18 Jan 2011

Ms V thankyou for helping :)

by mops Moderator 18 Jan 2011

Fijn dat je je website weer hebt, laat je je plezier niet ontnemen door rot opmerkingen!!

by auntie 18 Jan 2011

Thank you for decision to return.
You are an important part of this community.
Welcome back!

by potheau 18 Jan 2011


by sewmom 18 Jan 2011

Keep up the good work. We are all hoping you succeed.

by keeponsewing 18 Jan 2011

I'm so glad you are back. I hate to see people leave. There will be times that things are said or we don't see the way other see things, but we CUTIES are a family and family always tries to get along. ;) Welcome Back. Hugs, Terre

by embstar 18 Jan 2011

Happy to read this, happy to have you back here!

by dailylaundry 18 Jan 2011

I just logged on and saw your post!! Thank you for coming back. You are a part of this family!!! Welcome back!!!! hugs, Laura*

by smithandsmith 18 Jan 2011

This is GREAT, good for you :) It's so nice to have you back with your friends here on Cute.
Big Hugs

by tauberschmitt 18 Jan 2011

vielen vielen Dank wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen,das ist super danke
Liebes Grüßle