by fannyfurkin 08 Jan 2011

for freebies, so I thought I better tell everyone about it so you can all go and have a look.


by sissibrode 09 Jan 2011

another one * for you Alice !

by potheau 09 Jan 2011

hello I am also an Alice but I live in France , flowers to you

by marthie 09 Jan 2011

Wonderful. Here's a few more

by hightechgrammy 09 Jan 2011

Hi Alice, I'm getting close to 5000! You get them quickly when you post a new design, but now I'm afraid to post. Isn't it funny how rewarding those little flowers are !?!?!? IT doesn't take much, does it! Do you also love to find the freebies? I spend way too much time collecting and not enough time stitching!
The name Alice is very special to me, so we name my DD, Allana Alice.

1 comment
fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 09 Jan 2011

Why are you afraid to post? Yes those little flowers are so rewarding, they make me very happy.

by airyfairy 09 Jan 2011

*4U Alice. Congrats.

by mranderson 08 Jan 2011

Good work Alice. Here is a * from NSW to Qld. I could send some weeds and some more rain if you need them hehehe. Love Marg

1 comment
fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 08 Jan 2011

Thanks Marg, we sure don't need any more rain, we are all going to develop gills in Queensland.

by auntbaba 08 Jan 2011

Congatulations! *4U

by gramsbear 08 Jan 2011

Congrats on the ***** and heres another one for you!!! Thanx for the info for your site, Hugs & Blessings, Judy

by ramona 08 Jan 2011

Thank you so much Alice! Appreciate your freebies and your site.

by bevgrift 08 Jan 2011

What a lovely bunch you have!
Thank you for the lovely freebies.
From Bev

by grossfamilie 08 Jan 2011

one more flower for you :-))) and Congratulations
It is nice to be one of the Cuties

by shirlener88 08 Jan 2011

So you do Alice - CONGRATULATINS. You are doing lovely work on your site, too. *4U

by sandralochran 08 Jan 2011

Thank you Alice

by read180 08 Jan 2011

Congratulations to you!! Here is another *4U
Cindy B.

by beatie58 08 Jan 2011

Alice Congratulations! must be the rain making your flowers grow...*4U Hugs sally

by manami 08 Jan 2011

Congratulations Alice! Here's another one!
I'll have a look in your designs.
Love and hugs,

by marleymoo 08 Jan 2011

Well Done ALice!!!!! And thanks for letting us know about your designs! ***

by katydid 08 Jan 2011

Alice, something is wrong with your shopping cart. I put designs in the basket, them I click on shopping and it says the cart is empty. Help!!!!

by caroldann 08 Jan 2011

Alice, you are such a sweet and generous cutie, of course your garden is going to grow more and more each day!

by leenova54 08 Jan 2011

Congratulations! Keep up the questions and helpful answers and your garden will continue to grow. You are right, I forget to look at the freebie tab. I will try and get yours, it didn't let me a minute ago, I thought I was registered but maybe not.

leenova54 by leenova54 08 Jan 2011

Nope, I signed in, have 3 things in my cart but when I go to it then it says my cart is empty. If I click back it says 3 things in my cart......

noah by noah 08 Jan 2011

the same thing is happening to me !!!carolyn

sandralochran by sandralochran 08 Jan 2011

I had no trouble-Did sign in first

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 08 Jan 2011

There is a bug that I can't get ironed out, it only happens sometimes and never happens to me. If you clear your cache in your browser it should fix the problem.

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 08 Jan 2011

I have just changed setting that may help with the problem, can you all try again and let me know if there is still a problem.

leenova54 by leenova54 08 Jan 2011

Nope, cleared my cache and by your pic it tells me I have 3 items in the cart but when I click on the cart it says it's empty.

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 08 Jan 2011

This is driving me nuts. I will have to get on to the developers again.

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 09 Jan 2011

Lee can you try again when you get a chance. I have uploaded a file that I am hoping will fix the problem. it only happens to some people so I can't test it as it never happens to me. very frustrating.

by dw16 08 Jan 2011

6046 now Alice. Don in TX

by meganne 08 Jan 2011

Congratulations! Each one is another milestone on the Cute brick road of friendship. :-))))
Hugs and roses, Meganne

1 comment
grossfamilie by grossfamilie 08 Jan 2011

What a nice saying you wrote: Each one is
another milestone on the Cute brick road
of friendship
I add each one flower for all Cuties here

by asterixsew Moderator 08 Jan 2011

Congratulaions on the milestone and here is another flower towards the next

by kathyjt 08 Jan 2011

Here's another * Thank you for the freebie.