by siriso 20 Dec 2010

Do you know where I could find the superman logo.I think I saw it some time ago in the designs by cuties,cannot find it..Could someone help me please..?Thank you.Kristel


by keeponsewing 21 Dec 2010

Kristel, do you have a Brother? You can purchase from them and convert if you don't have a PES format.

by lflanders 20 Dec 2010

I would think these designs would be illegal to distribute if they do not come from a licensed distributor for the Superman designs. If you find any of them free, you could get into alot of trouble if you tried to sell any of them. I am surprised this question did dot start alot of the digitizers (and others) reading you and all of us the the legality of these designs. We have had a very good digitizer that had his own site who shared his????? designs with us. Trouble was, he was being accused of stealing them from someone else. It got a bit nasty around here for him and he finally shut down his site, did away with very many of the designs in question and finally opened a new site. By this time, most of the group was afraid to get involeved again in his ???designs. This guy is from Russia and a company in Australia was suing him. This is not the only designs that we run across daily from other sites, mostly out of the country(USA) that are illegal designs. We even have a couple of groups on Yahoo that have been accusing each other of either stealing their designs or other nasty things. I am a memeber of both groups but although I have not cancelled them, I never go there and I try not to read the nasty emails from either about the other. Once in awhile I will runs across one of the "notices" but I just erase them. This carzinest has been going on for several years. Most people can get very nasty when you seem to be messing with their livelyhood! I have never been able to figure out who, what when or where all of the mess started or even who is right or wrong.I just quit going to either site.

Just be very cautious about purchasing copyrighted and licensed designs. Make sure that whoever you get them from has the legal rights to be selling them.

1 comment
siriso by siriso 21 Dec 2010

Hello.Thanks for the insight.But could you use the sign when there is a different letter inside,like a B?