by capoodle 18 Dec 2010

Here is the message from her yahoo group:

Hi everyone,
my husband and I have been working out together at home for almost three weeks and were doing really well. Part of the work

is doing pull ups on an exercise bare that goes over a doorway. With these, you can use a chair placed a small distance from the

bar so that you can place one foot on the edge to help a bit. You are at a slight angle so you are actually raising your body with

your arms. As I was doing my pull ups yesterday, somehow, the bar came off and landed on my tailbone/hips and slammed my

head on the floor...ceramic tile floor. I was out for a few seconds came to with electricity coursing around in my head and

shooting down my arms and legs. I could not move for the pain and didn't want to try for fear of something worse. My DH called

the ambulance and was taken to the hospital. They took X-rays and also did a brain scan. Nothing was broken and no serious
damage to my head. I did suffer a concussion. Thank God that's all that happened. I am in so much pain that I was sure I had some

kind of fracture in my tail bone or pelvis, never mind my head. Thank you God!

I was sent home with pain medication and something for the nausea, which is much improved today...I couldn't turn my head
much yesterday without the whole room going into a spin.

I'm using the lap top to read email, but I can't do it for very long at a time. Everything causes nausea.

Just wanted you to know why I may seem quite for a few days.

Prayers are appreciated...I'm moving REALLY slow because of the pain.

Thank you!
Sonia Showalter


by shirlener88 21 Dec 2010

any updates?

by lflanders 21 Dec 2010

I did not see this post until after I sent you a message. Sounds like she was very lucky not to have been seriously hurt! Thanks for posting this about Sonia. I do hope she will be better and ready to get about some by Christmas. I do not know very much about her except that she has beautiful designs. I only just found out that she had a web site of her own about 2 months ago. Kay sent me something about her and told me to check out her web site. That was the first time I had been there. I only knew of her through her designs on Stitchery Mall. I think she had a video on her site at the time. She does beautiful work!

by mary51 21 Dec 2010

I hope you feel better, my prayers are for you. Thank you for all the beautiful designs.

by execsmom 21 Dec 2010

Wishing you a healthier day today. Will be saying prayers for you while I finish my angels for my friends Christmas cards. You do the most amazing digitizing! Merry Christmas to you and your family and hopefully a full recovery very soon. Sandy

by sdrise 21 Dec 2010

Love your designs! I am sorry for your pain. I always say excercise is bad for your health! I will pray for your speedy recovery! I know what it is like to be dizzy too. I have a disease that causes that to happen to me sometimes for weeks. Rest up and try to enjoy the holidays! Suzanne

by kalinelson 19 Dec 2010

I will keep Sonia in my prayers.....thanks for letting us know....blessings Janet

by 02kar Moderator 19 Dec 2010

Thank you. My prayers are added for a speedy recovery.

by shirlener88 19 Dec 2010

Anita, thank you for letting us know - I thought things were rather quiet on her site. I will keep her in my prayers and hope that she has a fast recovery.

by read180 18 Dec 2010

I shall keep her in my prayers. She is one of my favorite designers also. So glad to hear that nothing worse had happened Cindy B.

by judybell 18 Dec 2010

You have my prayers for a speedy recovery. Judy

by beatie58 18 Dec 2010

I am so glad it is not too serious..Hugs Sally

by keeponsewing 18 Dec 2010

Goodness, thank the good Lord nothing serious happened. Keeping her in prayer.