by raels011 16 Feb 2008

How do I save to disk the picture and colour chart of designs I have downloaded Please? I can't seem to do both


by mops Moderator 17 Feb 2008

Raels, I hope you enjoyed your downloading or are you still at it? I don't normally download the colour charts, only if I want to do the exact same colours, f.i. with the strawberries. But I do back up once a week on an external hard drive. After Ravyn's horror story I wouldn't not to!! Have a nice day (and a flower).

by ruthie 17 Feb 2008

While we're talking about downloading, a reminder to all you beautiful people - don't forget to backup your designs, including any color charts or other info regarding them. There are two rules in life - never bet more than you can afford to lose (and by not backing up you're betting on your computer not spitting the dummy), and never leave your backups until tomorrow!!! Have a fun day everyone.

1 comment
raels011 by raels011 17 Feb 2008

Thanks ruthie for the good advise and a flower for you

by shirlener88 17 Feb 2008

I have a folder for the designs, pictures and color charts - that come with the download - I do save each in the same folder - you would do the same on a disk - your program on your computer will not read the picture or color chart - but more than likely - you will have a place in your program that you can edit the colors of thread and you can print those off onto paper to safe a hard copy - if you choose to or you can just use your embroidery machine to tell you what the color is - all machine's read color differently - so be fully aware of what colors you want to use - before you start. I have all my designs and correcsponding files on an external hard drive - to save space on my computer. Here is a flower for you.

by loisp 17 Feb 2008

do you use ped basic or simular softwear is so when you open your pattern in ped basic when you click on the design there is a print icon at top when your pattern is hightlighted by printing you will get a pic. and color chart for the disign you have chosen to transfer to your machine good luck happy sowing

by raels011 17 Feb 2008

Thank you for the helpful advice. Now I have to go and do all my downloads flower for you both

by ruthie 17 Feb 2008

Raels, I don't bother to save the color charts, maybe because I'm lazy and it just seems like too much effort! I choose my own colors, but if I want to embroider the same colors as the design, my machine tells me what they are when I load the design. Or you can just do what I do on a regular basis - bring the design up on your computer screen, grab some threads and hold them near the screen, keep doing this till you have a good combination! This always works for me, also I wouldn't print out the color chart because to me it's a waste of paper and ink, think of the trees! Plus I'd probably lose the paper, probably lose the whole folder, haha. Have a fun day everyone.

by msadventure 16 Feb 2008

I have a Sewing folder that I save all my designs to and in the folder I have a word document to copy the pictures to. When downloading a design on Cute in the writing under the design you see Print Color chart,right click on the design and go to copy image then paste into the word doc, then do the same for the colour chart, size and stitch count. Any image can be copied this way I write the name of the design as it appears in the design download and also put the name of the website. The other option is to print it and keep it in hard copy form.

by clawton 16 Feb 2008

If you download the color charts it will be in a word document file form. You should be able to save it in the same place you save your designs or develop a separate folder system for color charts. However, the software for the designs may not open it. But if you open it in a word format it should. It uses a lot of paper but I like the hard copy to place beside me as I'm working. So I have developed a notebook system also with the designs that corresponds to the titles I've use to save on the computer. (Hope I didn't get too wordy! and it makes sense)