by leann1955 07 Dec 2010

Hi, Cuties. I did some Christmas blankets on red and green fleece yesterday. But my colors on the dark red and green changed. I now have a pink snowman. Is there a way to fix the bleed through you get using dark colors? Is there a way to somehow color over to get a white snowman? Thanks.


by moyed 07 Dec 2010

Hop eyou got it well sorted for next time. Helen

by bevgrift 07 Dec 2010

You could try to 'Freehand embroider' over the snowman with your white embroidery thread.
From Bev

by leann1955 07 Dec 2010

Thanks to all. I am hoping I can find a white permanent marker to color in the pink snowlady. I'll be sure and get the Fabric Cover.

by leenova54 07 Dec 2010

Hmm, thanks for the question, I am not that far into embroidery yet but I would have been disappointed if that happened so I am glad to know in advance what to do.

by linda8450 07 Dec 2010

I, too, bought the no-show product and was soooo thrilled...comes in lots of colors. My ME dealer in Dothan, AL carries it. I told my friend in Orange County, CA and her dealer doesn't. WOW, big city never heard of it. I brainstormed with her, she was in a hurry and didn't want to wait for ordering on-line. We came up with disposable plastic table cloths from the dollar store! They come in many colors, cheap, and tear away just fine after stitiching. They wash just like the plastic product I bought and work for most any project. Just pick the color of the THREAD you are using, (not the background color) and stitch. You can do small details, tear it away, and do the next color. She had to sit with her 6 needle, but my Diamond stops for every color change so I just put a new color in when I change thread...white and pastel work great for true colors on deep shades like black, navy, red, green etc, but use black or navy plastic on light color background and it really looks great. Gives lots better coverage. I did dark burgundy towels with a large white A for U of Alabama without it and it looked awful. I went back over it with the plastic under, and they are so beautiful, I sold them for $30 PER TOWEL AND WASHCLOTH! Should work well for a snowman! Hope this helps, Linda

leenova54 by leenova54 07 Dec 2010

Thanks for this great and cheap idea!

meganne by meganne 07 Dec 2010

Great Idea Linda. I wish we could buy different coloured plastic tablecloths in our dollar stores, I've only ever seen clear ones or multi coloured prints. Must look again.
Hugs n roses, Meganne

bevgrift by bevgrift 07 Dec 2010

Thanks for the great Idea!

by lbrow 07 Dec 2010

I hope Meg has helped you leann, it's all in the stabilizer you use on top under the stitching.

by meganne 07 Dec 2010

You can use a layer of stabiliser between the blanket and the stitch-out.
There is a special product called Fabric Cover Up or Dry Cover Up, that you can buy in all sorts of colours to place between the fabric and your design and I just love it, especially for embroidering on towels. It lasts forever to support the design, even through washing and it is very easy to tear away from around designs.

I bought mine from the link below.
Hope this helps.
Hugs n roses, Meganne

kttyhwk4 by kttyhwk4 07 Dec 2010

Meg, I just use a tear away on the back of my towels, since they've been stitched what little stablizer is left in gives support to the towels,have some 6yrs old and still looking good. try it saves having to buy extra things we don't necessarily need.

meganne by meganne 07 Dec 2010

Hmmm, good suggestion, but I do love the dry cover up on the top as I've had registration problems with some towels that are so thick that the designs don't meet in the middle.
DCU completely eliminates that problem.
HNR, Sis