by hightechgrammy 22 Nov 2010

Also, maybe I don't have enough water soluble stabilizer. How many layers do you use? Thanks for your help!

jan aka hightechgrammy


by bevgrift 22 Nov 2010

Try to place your 2 layers of wss in opposite directions, Slow the speed down.Have a balanced tension (loosen the top tension a tad)is what I do.
From Bev

by trovato 22 Nov 2010

To get it tight enough I use the antislip they use in cabins of caravans to keep everiting in place. I wind that around the hoop and the take the WSS on top. It is I think a great way because it is rubber it fasten well but not to strong and it does not slip away. And as Yoriko told me no more than 80.000 stitches a needle. I use a thin needle (75) she uses a 90. Good luck, Yvonne

by crafter2243 Moderator 22 Nov 2010

I had this happen to me once and I realized that I had not hooped tight enough and it shifted which makes the stitches not connect. Since then I use the suggestion of cutting from the rubberlike shelve liner the outline of the hoop and place it on top of the 2 sheets of WSS and then hoop. It saves my fingers (athritis) from hurting while trying to fasten the screw hard enough to stop the slipping.

by leenova54 22 Nov 2010

I'll try that too Shirlene, I did that really nice seahorse and part of his tail unraveled and I know that design was good since I bought it from stitchdelight (?)

by quiltgrama 22 Nov 2010

I see shirlene has answered your question, she has alot of experience in the fsl department so will give you both flowers. Hugs Lisa PS thanks for all you great designs.

by shirlener88 22 Nov 2010

Jan, I have had that happen a couple times and realized that my needle was dull. Not sure if it was the case at all times - but it was for several. I always use two layers of WSS, unless the design is dense then I might float another layer - under the bottom or try to get three layers in the hoop. I hope this helps. *4U

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 22 Nov 2010

I had wondered about that, how can you tell when your needle is dull? I think I had changed it relatively recently. I usually break them before they get very old. I keep trying to snip jump stitches while the machine is running. Seems like I would learn not to do this! Slow learner, I guess - LOL
Thanks, Jan