by donnak75119 13 Nov 2010

I down loaded embroidery designs and they went to a temporary file and now I can not find them . Where should I look for them or how can I down load them next time.


by ramona 14 Nov 2010

Sorry for your troubles. Hope you find your designs. If you know what it was titled maybe you can go to the "start menu" then "search" and try there. You might also try right click on the start button then click on the plus sign beside "windows" and the click on the plus sign beside "temp" and see if there is anything there. If you have software you might try the search in there. Not sure if any of these will work. I download all my designs to an external hard drive. That way I keep my computer from filling up and my design software. The external drives are cheap enough and hold lots of designs. I also orgainize my designs by category. For instance a folder tagged Animals and then under animals I have cats, wild animals, dogs, farm etc. In the beginning I had gotten the start of the list from AnnTheGran and expanded from that. Hope that helps in the future. Good luck with your search.

by fannyfurkin 13 Nov 2010

depending on which browser you are using you should be able to change the preference for where to save your downloads. go to tools in the on the top browser and look in internet options, I just looked and can't work it out in internet explorer but it is easy in firefox. i never use Internet explorer because it is slow and bothersome. Not much help sorry.

by clawton 13 Nov 2010

You should be able to do a search from your "computer" icon. Search by the name of the design. The next time you download a design remember to tell the computer where you want it saved. you should get a pop up window for that.