by fevold 10 Nov 2010

Hi Cuties, I'm downloading the baby font freebies and each letter saves, but the A keeps adding all the other letters stacked on top as well as in their own files. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.


by lflanders 10 Nov 2010

Pull out the A and drop it to the desktop and change the name to A renamed or A2 and then put it back into the folder. It should work. This started happening to me when the Funny bear was given on Amazing. My son is a computer genius and he thought I was nuts when I told him what was going on. He dropped by and I got him to look at it and he knew exactly what to do. He was just making fun of my lack of knowledge when I was on the phone with him. Most everyone on Cute thought I was nuts until several checked and found out theirs were just like mine. It has done that again on several different Fonts from Veronika. I would check each one after putting it in a folder. Once it is separated, it should stay that way but would be impossible(hard anyway) to fix if the whole alpha was one on top of the other.

deirdre by deirdre 10 Nov 2010

Hi, i sent you pm then, and always wondered if you had gotten it. :)

fevold by fevold 10 Nov 2010

I know this sounds dumb, but how do I pull out the A and drop it to the desktop?
Thanks, Laura

deirdre by deirdre 14 Nov 2010

Just rename it, no need to move it. If the "_" is out of the name it will be fixed.

by deirdre 10 Nov 2010

Try renaming the a to something else. It is most probably the "_" in the file name that sees it as a split file.