by bkd147 08 Jan 2008

I would like to Thank everyone for the info on the TMNT. I will now look for the Disney cd to buy.


by danie6919 09 Jan 2008

Just a comment here. I checked the ebay item of TMNT and the seller claim that her designs are perfectly legal. As for the quality of the designs, this could be another issue. Denisov Embroidery Design has some TMNT designs. His designs are pricey, they sew out beautifully but they need to be really well stabilised. I bought 2 Disney Cars designs from him. Finally, TMNT are not a Disney creation but a Warmer bros' creation.
Good luck.

1 comment
ravyn by ravyn 09 Jan 2008

I would be very cautious of the ebay item. The one I just saw, the seller claims she digitized them herself from public domain images. That statement in itself makes me very leery of the listing. I'm not saying the seller is being deliberately dishonest - who knows on that count - perhaps someone else put images out there under the pretense of 'public domain' & she believed it. But something as recent as TMNT has not been around long enough to have become public domain by default & Warner Brothers themselves would not have released the images as public domain. I've never seen an Ebay listing yet that didn't *claim* to be fully legal - but there are still many that are illegal, whether intentionally or by mistake. You really need to do your own research on the images/designs involved & not just take the sellers word for it. As someone else mentioned, the ESPC is not someone you want to deal with - they have gone after a great many *buyers* on Ebay auctions.

by mops Moderator 09 Jan 2008

When you buy a CD read the fine print to see if you are allowed to sell items or if they are strictly for your own use. I bought a Brother Disney embroidery card and only read the information afterwards. Bkd, happy hunting, good luck and hours of embroidery pleasure.

by cutiepie 09 Jan 2008

Oh, please tell me you are joking about buying a CD of Disney designs! It is likely that you would get the cd and nothing would happen, but if Disney or a certain group known as the Embroidery Software Protection Coalition were to get their teeth into you, it would be very UGLY! Have a good day, ok? =]

ruthie by ruthie 09 Jan 2008

Cutiepie, I assumed bkd was talking about trying to buy legal designs. Mainly because I also assumed that after what everyone has said here she would know that it’s just too risky. Maybe I assumed wrong – I hope not.

jrob by jrob 09 Jan 2008

I think she was referring a card for her Disney machine.

cutiepie by cutiepie 10 Jan 2008

Oh, well that's different. I think I was tired when I read her comment, and jumped to conclusions that weren't warranted. Sorry, hon! *blush*

by ruthie 08 Jan 2008

bkd147, forgot to say, welcome to the 'top 7' list. Good to have you here. Look forward to you answering more questions.

by ruthie 08 Jan 2008

Hi bkd147, that’s OK, thanks for listening to us on this. Happy hunting, and I’d love to see the designs up in the projects pages when you’ve had success in buying, and embroidering them.