by smallwunderz 18 Oct 2010

Am on Designs by Cuties and would like to send a flower to the designers who made such wonderful designs and cannot figure out how to do it? Help !?!?!?!


by crafter2243 Moderator 18 Oct 2010

Welcome and a flower for you

by embroiderymad 18 Oct 2010

Welcome to Cute.

by gramsbear 18 Oct 2010

Welcome Small Wonderz!!! It is so much fun giving flowers, then seeing someone excited about how many they have! Then we can give them more!!! Hugs and flowers down the line, Judy

by leenova54 18 Oct 2010

Simply click on their flower and it will change color.
Welcome to cute, you will love it here and become addicted like the rest of us!

by airyfairy 18 Oct 2010

Welcome to Cute. This is such a wonderful place. Enjoy.

by shirlener88 18 Oct 2010

*4U - you can give a flower as mooie24 suggested and also an additional one for responding to their posting.

by mooie24 18 Oct 2010

Hi there
Firstly welcome to Cute
this is a fabulous place to learn and share :-)
If you would like to give a flower simply click on the flower icon..
you will see it change colour and thanks appear :-)
Have fun here collecting your flowers
Our flowers blosom every day here :-)
Bug hugs from London
and of course a flower for you
Big hugs Maria xxx