by sewmom 30 Sep 2010

and the doctor can't find where the piece came from. She has stopped competing and practicing her acro. She could continue after a 4-6 weeks but she decided to focus on school and other social things she was missing out on because of team practice.

Surgery is outpatient and she will be home after about 4 hours.

I'm not worried, I think it will go very well. She is still planning to go to the movies Saturday with her friends (and with crutches for a couple of days). She is also planning to go to the homecoming dance in a week.

I'll give you updates tomorrow.


by 02kar Moderator 30 Sep 2010

Hope all goes well with the surgery. It is going to be tough for you to help your daughter behave by the sounds of it. Sounds like she has her priorities straight with school. Good for her.

by keeponsewing 30 Sep 2010

Kathy, will keep her in my prayers. I've had 4 arthroscopic knee surgeries. It isn't bad. She can actually be awake while they are doing it and watch what they do, if she wants to. LOL...She will probably be on a walker for a couple of days and then crutches or cane. But I'm sure she will come through. God will guide the Dr.'s hand... Let us know how she does. Terre

1 comment
sewmom by sewmom 30 Sep 2010

She will be asleep. They didn't give her a choice.

by rwalden 30 Sep 2010

I will remember her in my prayers. She'll be up and about in no time.

by kalinelson 30 Sep 2010

I will be praying for your daughter (and you).....may God bring her through this surgery sucessfully and may she heal swiftly.....blessing Janet

by castelyn 30 Sep 2010

Shushana you and your daughter will be in my prayers. Hugs Yvonne

by jrob Moderator 30 Sep 2010

I pray that God will guide the surgeon's hands and that you and your daughter will feel His presense.