by margiepink 14 Sep 2010

problems, kept pulling up the bobbin threads. However we all did have a good time getting to know the machine, it only weighs about 85 pounds and is rather very large. The price is only $11,999. The class was longer than 3 hours and 5 hours later our pillows were finished. That night I started limping, neighbor have me some pain pills, up every 3-4 hours drinking and limping around. Now it is Tuesday hip pain is gone and is traveling down, right leg numb now. Do you ladies think it might be arthritis? I'm sitting on my pillow because the 3 embroidery designs didn't turn out perfect, so will make me another one. The class was absolutely free including tea and cookies. I do not think anyone purchased a machine. But I have similiar designs I will do. For that price I could buy a new car right?

Let me hear from you ladies that suffer from arthritis and what Rx do you take so I can suggest to the doctor Wed. Thanks


by nanniesara 15 Sep 2010

By all means go to the doctor, don't put it off, I had similar problem a couple of years ago and it was very painful it was sciatica, went to the orthopedic doc and he gave me three shots and some meds. It got better but I can still tell when I have overdone it lifting pulling or sitting in the wrong position for too long. Don't play around with this it could be one of several different things. Good luck keep us posted.

by capoodle 14 Sep 2010

Looked at your profile to see where you lived and I had lived in Hunters Creek, Orlando. Anyway when you sit for long periods of time you could have pinched a nerve (sciatica) since it is traveling down your leg. Exercise like walking or swimming strengthen the muscles. I know the area where you live and there are endless doctors available and lots of swimming pools. Feel Better.

by sewmom 14 Sep 2010

I agree with the other Cuties, see a doctor to be sure of what it is.
I also agree with you, slightly used cars for my kids were less, LOL.

by notespinner 14 Sep 2010

Do not assume. Go to your doctor. I assumed that I was having problems with arthritis and kept lifting and shoving large boxes and totes, around. When the pain became unbearable, I finally went to the dr. He scolded me for not coming sooner. I have bursitis, not arthritis. And bursitis is treated differently... first thing I had to do was rest my arms, not keep pushing so hard. I take anti-inflamitory medications for the swelling.

It was nice of the store to offer the pillow class. Many people think you just hoop the fabric and the machine does the rest. It still needs the human touch to come out well. :-)

by kwiltinginny 14 Sep 2010

If you have numbness in your leg, it sounds like nerve involvement. Better go to the doctor. Glad you had fun with the Bernina. I'm not getting one either.

by leenova54 14 Sep 2010

Definitely sounds like sciatica, the nerve gets irritated, hopefully it won't last long or come back. Sounds like you had fun though and I am glad to hear that a machine that costs that much (I rather have a car, lol) has the same problems my bottom line Brother does!

by rwalden 14 Sep 2010

Sounds more like sciatica nerve. (not sure of spelling) Could have been brought on from long hours of sitting.