by beutelhexe 13 Sep 2010

Who of you knows the eaglider? It is something like a waveboard and in Germany still fairly unknown. Can any of you tell me if the eaglider is good? On the Internet I find either a great or very bad. What now? Good or bad? Please help me. Because it is quite expensive in Germany. And if it is bad, I can save my money :)

Hugs Annette


by cloey 13 Sep 2010

Hi Annette, looks a little dangerous.

by leenova54 13 Sep 2010

I watched it on youtube and it looked very dangerous to me. My boys are now in their 30's and I would not have bought this for them.

by jasanne 13 Sep 2010

I googled to see what it looked like. I haven't seen any around yet. A lot of the boys at my girls school have 'rocket boards' I think they are called, looked similar to the pics of the eaglider but is more like a skateboard that twists in the middle. The kids seem to love these - once they get the hang of staying on they can go quite quickly. This is from watching the boys at school - I have girls who have only tentatively tried a normal skateboard and haven't got the hang of rollerskates yet!

by gramsbear 13 Sep 2010

I would love to help you, but I don't even know what that is. I see you have some answers, I hope others have helped you!!! Hugs, Judy

by jayce 13 Sep 2010

Thank you for this question,I have never seen one of these before, my grandson loves any thing on wheels so i now know what to buy him for his birthday next month, LOL, sorry i can't help you with your question but they look like they would be fun.

by asterixsew Moderator 13 Sep 2010

Well thanks to your question I now know what a eaglider is. The bad news is I cannot help you but will see if I can find out

by beth1max 13 Sep 2010

I have seen kids riding them, some do it quite well and I have seen kids fall off alot. My kids are in their 20's so they are not interested. I would have to say your decision should be based on your kids and a few simple questions about them.
1. Would they take the time to learn it or would it be relagated to the back corner in a week?
2. Are they old enough for it?
3. Would they do chores to earn part of the money for it?
I found when my kids wanted a fad item if I made them earn half the money they either really wanted it and used it or they changed their mind in a big hurry. I also found when they had to work for it they were proud of themselves.
Hope this helps,

1 comment
beutelhexe by beutelhexe 13 Sep 2010

Thanks for the answer.