by stitchinkate 31 Aug 2010

I also asked her stepdad how she is doing and got this reply from him "so far so good, her mood is up and down, i think its tough for her to be sitting in a chair and not being able to be mobile and walking but we do stuff to try to keep her spirits up and all of the cards are helping alot, she goes back to the doctor on sept 9th to get her cast off and get a walking cast so that will also help her mood, so all in all shes doing good"


by lenamae 01 Sep 2010

Thank you for the up date I to think we should all send out some more things to her she will keep busy if we do
Hugs Lena Mae

by mariahail 01 Sep 2010

and she will get some machine still in the shop, they said will be ready around the 10 th, can not wait, for now I will be praying for her....***

by jayce 01 Sep 2010

Thank you for the update. I have been thinking about her and all she is going through.

by dlonnahawkins 01 Sep 2010

So glad that she is doing okay - her little paperdolls went out yesterday. That should give her some quiet play time. Thanks for keeping us posted.

1 comment
stitchinkate by stitchinkate 01 Sep 2010

Oh what a sweet idea...did you embroider paper dolls? I have a paper doll set of designs and didn't even think of it.

by stitchinkate 01 Sep 2010

Thanks to all of you for your help in making her post surgery days a little better. It's such a good feeling to know we helped a bit.

by clawton 01 Sep 2010

Thanks for the update.

by jacquipaul 01 Sep 2010

Thanks for the update on this little girl.

by 02kar Moderator 01 Sep 2010

Good to hear good news. Prayers need to continue for her recovery and her mental health. It's tough to be any age and have to stay quiet all day.

by keeponsewing 01 Sep 2010

Thank you Kate for the update. I know it is tough at her age to deal with things like this and what you have done has been a blessing to her for sure. Just think if you hadn't taken it upon yourself to ask us to send the angels, she might not have had as many good days. The Lord will Bless you for this. I agree with Shirlene, we need to see pictures of her with all the angels and special things she is receiving... Hugs, Terre

by mops Moderator 01 Sep 2010

Thank you for the update.

by ksgram1 01 Sep 2010

Thank you so much for the update. I'm so glad to hear that she is doing well. ***

by shirlener88 01 Sep 2010

Kate, thanks for the update on Caitlyn, wonder what was in the package from Alabama - come on - whomever sent it - let us know, too. Caitlyn still has a long row to hoe - before that cast comes off - we will have to send out another round of cards and angels to keep her busy. I hope when she gets a few more - that they take a picture of her with them all - wouldn't that be great to see?

by colonies1 01 Sep 2010

well good to hear that.........keeping her spirit up is the best thing........