by jayce 29 Aug 2010

Has there been an update on Caitlyn? how she is after her op ect.

Also on Libi and her son. I thought i may have missed it although i have been checking every day


by ansalu 30 Aug 2010

eyeztodiefor10 has made the post about Lib and her son (it's still open in an extra tab so I start buying at the 1st of september when my money arrives ;o). Maybe she has also good news?
Greetings, Bettina

by jayce 30 Aug 2010

Thank You it is nice to have news on both of them

by stitchinkate 29 Aug 2010

Caitlyn is home from the hospital and doing well. She is in a wheelchair and has casts and will get them replaced in September. They say the surgery went well. I haven't heard from her parents for a couple of days now, but they say the highlight of her day is when the mail arrives. I am going to ask for permission to post a picture of her here so you can all put a face to her name. I also plan to travel to Red Wing later this fall and hope to meet Caitlyn myself.

by shirlener88 29 Aug 2010

I saw a posting in referrence to Caitlyn receiving cards and angels - but nothing on the operation. I can't remember whom it was that mentioned Lib and her son - but I know alot of sites are donating their weeks worth of sales to her site.