by humptydumptytoo 27 Aug 2010

What do the flowers mean?


by beatie58 28 Aug 2010

Welcome to cute! I see others have answered you. Warning this site is addictive. Sally

by embroiderymad 28 Aug 2010

Welcome to cute and here another flower. I must warn you this site is very addictive there heaps of designs, project and question and answers that will keep you coming back. Sometimes at the expense of the house work and other things you should be doing.
Feel free to ask lots of question there are many wonderful people around here who will help.

by sbott54 28 Aug 2010

Welcome to the Cute family! We're glad you joined us in our addiction to embroidery and all other needlework activities. --Sandra

by camylow 28 Aug 2010

WELCOME TO CUTE...heres another for you

by leenova54 27 Aug 2010

Just a way to show we care! If you are like me and having a dozen problems hit at once then you get helpful tips and flowers too. I have had so many problems lately that my garden is growing by the minute! Welcome to cute, where addiction is fun!

by shirlener88 27 Aug 2010

I a giving you one now - *4U

by joann13100 27 Aug 2010

Flowers are signs of friendship from other cuties. You earn them when you ask questions or help others with an answer to their question. It's like a way to say Hi to others on the site.