by debcarlson 24 Aug 2010

I am looking for chili pepper designs. Any suggestions? thanks


by shirlener88 24 Aug 2010

Deb, you have some great options here - if these don't work - let us know - so we can look for more.

1 comment
debcarlson by debcarlson 25 Aug 2010

thanks so much for everyones help!

by cissie03 24 Aug 2010

there is a nice one on sale at

1 comment
debcarlson by debcarlson 25 Aug 2010


by sbott54 24 Aug 2010

Embroidery Library has some really nice designs. I have their chili peppers towel topper and it sews out beautifully, as do all their designs.

by babsie 24 Aug 2010

http://turquoise210broderiemachin... is a free one.

1 comment
debcarlson by debcarlson 25 Aug 2010


getEdited - SELECT
by eastwitch2 24 Aug 2010

Sonia Showalter has some really nice Chili peper designs.
Try the first link below to go directly to page 12 of her designs.
Scroll down the page abit.

If the link doesn't work try the second one.

They on page 12 of her designs at Stitchery Mall.
Use the second link to get to her first page and then click on page 12 to find the Chili Peper designs.


1 comment
debcarlson by debcarlson 24 Aug 2010

thanks, these are beautiful!