by arsenio 01 Aug 2010

doing her Fashion designing diploma, and she has to do assignments. Please kindly help and give your suggestions to do this project. Thank you and God bless you all at Cuties. You all are a great support to me, specially when I am an Indian and in India the company does not give any support. I have learnt a lot and it gives a great pleasure to be a member of Cute

Bernadette DE Sousa


by sewmom 01 Aug 2010

The Designs in Machine Embroidery Magazine has a lot of fashion ideas. You can look at it online and there are some free designs too. But I think in this case you might search the previous copies for design ideas. This link goes to the most recent volume #62. #63 will be out soon and the previous ones can be seen by clicking on Past Issues.

by bevgrift 01 Aug 2010

Please try the Bernina site. They have some projects and information how to use the different Feet for sewing.The lessons are useful for any make of machines.
Good luck for the Diploma!
From Bev

by keeponsewing 01 Aug 2010

I see you have some suggestions. She could use a french seam as her finishing seam. I've given you a link that might help. I use french seams in clothes for children. If you faced your waist you could also topstitch it with a decorative stitch. You can also hem your skirt using different decorative stitches or one design from machine embroidery them hand stitch your beads/sequins, etc...If you make the skirt with button down the front of the skirt you have plackets and fastners included in the item you are making. The three links below might give you some other suggestions. The most important thing is to have fun during the creative process. Let your mind open to something you might normally not try. Any suggestion you might think about but not use at this time, write them down so you can use them in something else...

by asterixsew Moderator 01 Aug 2010

She could make a garment like a skirt with a flare with godets/placket/extra fabric inserted into it so the garment flares out. Each one could have machine embroidery - design made by herself not one bought or a freebie. The embroidered piece could then be embelished with hand embroidery and sequins beads etc added. The garment would show seam finishes and there could be the facing at the waist instead of a waistband. Fasteners could be a zip or a button placket. There are many garments that could be created each covering the requirements you have listed. My mind is now taking off thinking about nightwear. Have fun and look forward to hearing about what she decides to do and then a picture ot two in projects?

lbrow by lbrow 01 Aug 2010

Asterix I like your suggestions, this could be a big help to her. *

kalinelson by kalinelson 01 Aug 2010

Wow! your ideas rock....great help.