by sewalaskan 30 Jul 2010

them - and I doubt that I would actually use them. Oh well. Summers mostly over & we've been working on our house for 3 months so I'm just going to enjoy the boat :)


by keeponsewing 30 Jul 2010

hehehe. I guess you answered your own question. LOL And it looks like a lot of Cuties are taking vacations. Enjoy yourself, you've probably earned it with working on the house... You deserve a break!

by blueeyedblonde 30 Jul 2010

Me too. We're leaving on Monday for a week, but as we are going to as family reunion weekend and stopping halfway at my aunt's I plan on using her computer and showing her how to get the ones I want (hopefully she'll get them). If she misses or whatever, oh well, at least we tried. Guess I'll just end up missing a few and hope I get them later.

by sira 30 Jul 2010

Me too - have the same problem, I`m leaving tomorrow to visit my mother with my daughter. No internet and no shops in her village.Have to go by bus for about 35 kilometres to nearest groucery, because she doesn`t have a driving licence nor own a car. And we`ll stay there until Thursday. Miss many alphas ...

by smithandsmith 30 Jul 2010

i'm havig the same problem... i'm going camping but only for 2 days. I have showed my daughter how to get the fonts for me. She'll have to go on my computer and i dont let anyone on I hate it when things get changed or go missing. Is there someone that could do it for you? Thats about all you could do or buy them.And they are a good price.
hugs Lee