by teddybear117 27 Jul 2010

My cat and I have felt like the "blue plate special" since then. I was "taking" care of the "battle of the bugs" and forgot to put out the reminder for the Yahoo group ornaments. I read so much about how embarrassing "having" bedbugs is to some people, if that were my case, I would have to say I'm embarrassed to have gone on the cruise, and I'm not. I'll just be wiser next time.


by capoodle 28 Jul 2010

On the msnbc news web site just tonight they highlighted a piece on bed bugs. There is a video and an article at the following link. Hope you can get rid of them soon. My best to you.
What you need to know about bed bugs.

by ken174 27 Jul 2010

Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!!!!! You must be absolutely exhausted! I am so sorry you are going thru all of this. Here's hoping it almost over for you! Hang in, Sandy

by joann13100 27 Jul 2010

How awful--turning what should have been a wonderful lifetime experience into a bad memory. Sounds like you've rounded the corner on the bed bugs.

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 27 Jul 2010

The doctor thought it might not have just bedbugs that may have returned with us. Lately I have found a strange looking small big eyed fly, as well.The sample is in a bottle. When I get some energy I will be taking it into environmental health and see if it is something to worry about. The cat also came out of the vets where we boarded him with some crusty stuff in the corners of his eyes. And the electronic comb is getting something but nothing to the human eye. It is a vets he will never go back to for a another much more serious reason that took us 5 months to discover and a $600 Vet bill from a different Vet. So thanks to all you. It was like the world was out to get us. It is said someone always an have a worse day then the one you are having. My heart goes out a thousand fold to that person AND THEN SOME.

by lbrow 27 Jul 2010

Thanks for all the info. With all the time I'm spending in motels I'm really getting paranoid about searching for the critters. *

by zedna 27 Jul 2010

Oh!!!!!!!Poor you!!!!

by asterixsew Moderator 27 Jul 2010

I have read all that has been written with interest. My comment is that going on a cruise is not cheap and had this happened to me I would have contacted them very quickly. Just think how many others have taken the bed bugs home and spread them about. I would also be getting them to pay for the hotel bills. Good luck with killing them off for good. Sounds a very nasty experience

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 27 Jul 2010

The thing is we went on a cruise, yes. But we spent 3 nights out of the 14 days in a 5 star hotel. Bedbugs an be anywhere and that is just what they will tell me.

by dgarner 27 Jul 2010

Eeewwwwwwwww! That sounds horrible -- we've cruised before, but never had that problem, thank goodness. I'm with some of the others -- at least give us a hint at which cruise line (or ship) you acquired the little stowaways from.
I've prayed for you to be rid of them right away!

by teddybear117 27 Jul 2010

Here I go answering my own comment. I wasn't going to go into detail but being I was naive to bedbugs and it took me til the grand ol' age of 62 to finally meet one.(I even worked for the Health Dept. at one time and didn't know about these bugs) I will go into detail and maybe save others some heartache and sleepless nights should they travel.

I will put suggestions I have come up with so far at the end of this.

I didn't now what the bites I had were til I went to the doctor and the day I went I saw three doctors in the same office. That's embarrassing! But at least I found out what was 'eating' at me. (I took specimens of the little guys at different stages of their lives)I came home and in a two week period set off insect bombs but could only do half the house at a time(also I'm sure the survivors ran to the undone side.) then didn't realize that the eggs hatch in 10-12 days. By then I was already back on their menu. I also washed 90+ loads of wash in a 2 week period because I felt everything in the house had to be washed. My washer has no cold water hooked to it at the moment. And won't til this nightmare is over. Everything is washed with borax and detergent and rinsed in HOT water. Then we put everything that is clean in 2 1/2 gallon zip bags. I steam clean my carpets (with white vinegar in the water-I found out by accident that the 'rash' I had was little 'critters' and the diluted white vinegar made them let go without rubbing)every other day. I steam mop my kitchen and bathrooms every day ,and if I get bitten, sometimes twice a day.Bedding is changed and washed daily. Bedspread is put in dryer for an hour on hot (mine is cotton) Mattresses and box springs are sealed in plastic. Drawers have been taken out and sprayed with and indoor outdoor insecticide before any 'bagged' clothing is put back in. All furniture I have done the same. All dishes and canned goods covered when the insect bombs were set off so no area is untreated. We have an electronic comb used for head lice I go over the cat with. He loves it. Overkill? I still got bit last night. All I an think is that there must have been one on me somewhere while I was bombing the house. I read about the Diatomaceous Earth being used any years ago (1970's when I took college horticulture classes)for pest control and read some articles about it recently.Found one really good site. Tonight we put down some Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth as well. It is safer for the cat and might get the stragglers. And if it works I will travel with it. My daughter lives out of state and driving it takes 3 days to get there.Which means staying in motels/hotels at a minimum of 6 nights just while on the road.

NOW WITH THAT SAID...all this might have been eliminated had I done the following.
1)packed everything in 2 1/2 gallon bags to start out with. And live out of the bags.
2) Washed everything I took with me in hot, hot water, even the clean things before putting the away.
3) Sprayed my luggage with RID spray (has the same non green ingredients as insecticide used for
bedbugs but it is for lice and is non oily so shouldn't ruin luggage) before bringing them in the house and the insides after emptying. I believe in being green but I have my limits.I have tried to live green for over 30 years with few exceptions.

Get bit and you don't think green anymore.I can't even have a hair fall down my back without getting the 'willies' and go check. And my hair is past my shoulders and I have had to keep it tied up. I just may have to cut it.

I wondered why one girl had her luggage wrapped in what looked like saran wrap...maybe this is why.
Oh, the best part of this is my house mate hasn't been bitten once.I guess they don't like him. Perhaps he is the wrong flavor.

1 comment
bevgrift by bevgrift 28 Jul 2010

I really feel for you and all this hard work.
My son has asthma and so I fight the dustmite.
Much Sympathy and best wishes
From Bev

by gerryb 27 Jul 2010

Just saw on TV an article about bed bugs. The "bug killers" came in and FROZE them! Sprayed some chemical I can't remember, but they dropped dead on the spot! Forget "green" right now, those things have got to go and I don't think the freezing them is too bad on the planet!! Good luck! Sure which you'd tell us what line! I know how to check for them...check the sides of the mattresses for little black things (not the bugs, but their droppings) along the seam line & mattress piping. Also look in corners, along ceiling & wall for the same black spots. Do not put your luggage on the floor either.

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 27 Jul 2010

I saw where they used heat on TV last night. or was it the night before. Oh, well, at a cost of over $3000 for an apt.

by 02kar Moderator 27 Jul 2010

Gee, you were supposed to come home with great memories, not nasty critters. I am so sorry. I know that bedbugs have been making a comeback. Keep battling.

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 27 Jul 2010

We left out of San Francisco,CA and I don't remember if it was before we left or after we got back reading about a bedbug starting up there epidemic there. Go figure now I remember.If it was before I was too excited about going to think about it.

by honeychyle 27 Jul 2010

I remember when I was a kid having bed bugs. My mama took all the mattresses out into the yard sprayed them with what she called coal-oil (I think it was kerosene) left them in the hot sun to dry and all the bedbugs were gone! Of course, everything in the house had to be washed and sanitized. She was really embarrassed and horrified to think that one of the neighbors would find out! Just one of the things in life that we survive but never forget!

by keeponsewing 27 Jul 2010

Take care that they don't become infected on your body. Have you seen a Dr. for stronger meds. Like everyone suggest, be sure and clean everything. I WOULD contact the Lines and let them know what is going on. If they feel a suit is coming on they might help more. Take pictures of any bites you might have also. I'd document everything.

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 27 Jul 2010

I wish I had when I had about 25 of them on my legs. Now they are just bruises. I have never had a bite that hurt like those,it's a hurt burn feeling. Planned on contacting everyone after I cool down and this stops 'eating' me.I'll be more civil.

by bevgrift 27 Jul 2010

Ask at your local Pharmacy/chemist for a soap to bath with.There is also Tea TRee shampoo natural which is very efective.Wash and iron everthing you can.Spray insecticide into the vacume cleaner bag before you vacumme,it kills any bugs/fleas .If you could take your cat away for a couple of hours.You could also treat your whole house with a fogger type insectecide.
Sometimes for peace of mind you 'hit out with a big stick'.I know everyone tries to be 'GREEN' these days.But you can't struggle for so long.
Wish you the best for your 'battle of the bugs'
From Bev

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teddybear117 by teddybear117 27 Jul 2010

No one's going totally 'green' at our house at the moment.Didnt now about the tea tree shampoo. Will hae to try it.

by meganne 27 Jul 2010

I think I would go crazy if I had this problem, allergy itches are bad enough.
I've added a link below which may help you in your fight.
Good luck with their eradication.
hugs n roses, Meganne

1 comment
teddybear117 by teddybear117 27 Jul 2010

saw that site and then 'googled' 'life cycle of a bedbug and found additional and more informative info. Thanks for the suggestion.

by kalinelson 27 Jul 2010

I've heard bed bugs are so hard to get rid, and their bite is awful.....I've heard you can bring them home in your luggage.....I'm sure you will get these little pest under control.....hang in there.