by judybell 19 Jul 2010

Dear Cuties, would you please lift my friend up in prayer, (Sharon) as she has had back surgery and is still in so much pain that she is wanting to take her life.

Thank you in advance. Judy


by dgarner 21 Jul 2010

I will be lifting Sharon up in prayer. Keep us informed as to her progress-- assure her that she is loved and cared about by many, many people around the world.

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judybell by judybell 22 Jul 2010

Thank you. I really am thankful for all you Cuties that will take the time to share others burdens. Sharon goes back to the doctor today, so maybe he can help her with the pain and whatever else he feels he needs to do. God bless, Judy

by jrob Moderator 21 Jul 2010

Judy, I will add my prayers for Sharon and for you to have the divine wisdom to minister to her at this time.

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judybell by judybell 22 Jul 2010

Thank you for praying for Sharon and also for me as I minister to her. It is hard to know what to say, but I am willing to listen to her and pray for her. Knowing she loves the Lord helps so much when talking with her. Thanks again. God bless, Judy

by crafter2243 Moderator 20 Jul 2010


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judybell by judybell 21 Jul 2010

Thank you. Judy

by 02kar Moderator 20 Jul 2010

I will be praying for her. I live with constant spinal pain. Please tell her thst the apin will get better. Be sure to let the Doctor know of her pain level and of the suicidal thoughts. It is very important that they know. Her pain meds can be changed and counseling can help. Keep us imformed on how Shaon is doing.

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judybell by judybell 20 Jul 2010

Thank you so much for your prayers. Judy

by keeponsewing 20 Jul 2010

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope she gets better. Pain can make you do odd things. I don't know if she is a Christian, but we have the privilege of calling upon Christ to help us through situations like this. Will keep her in prayer.

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judybell by judybell 20 Jul 2010

Thank you, and Sharon is a Christian and knows the power of prayer. She will be grateful to all who lift her up. Judy

by kalinelson 19 Jul 2010

I will be lifting Sharon up in prayer....I know how frustrating pain can be... my husband had a accident 4 years ago and became disabled, he lives in pain everyday....I'm thankful nothing is impossible with God and will continue to pray until there are results (in His perfect timing).

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judybell by judybell 20 Jul 2010

Thank you for your prayers. Sharon has so many other health issues I think she is just overwhelemed. Judy

by kathyjt 19 Jul 2010

Judy my husband can relate to that pain. He has had 4 back surgery. He lives in pain every day of his life. Even with pain meds it does not get rid of all the pain. She has to let the Lord help or she just can not live with it. My husband relies on prayer and that helps alot. I will prayer for her.

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judybell by judybell 20 Jul 2010

Thank you so much for your prayers. We know and Sharon does also that God has a purpose for all of us, but it's hard to see it in the mist of the storm. God bless, Judy

by shirlener88 19 Jul 2010

Judy, I will - she must not know what to do - with all the pain - but if she lays quietly and asks for guidence from God - he will take that pain away and give her comfort - he has something in store for her - if she will just listen. I will be praying for her.

1 comment
judybell by judybell 20 Jul 2010

Thank you for your prayers. With all you and Rick have been through I'm sure you can see God's hand at work in your lives. My prayer for Sharon is she will realize she needs to take better care of herself,
since she is a diabetic on top of everything else. I can understand her depression with the pain and pray she will turn everything over to her Lord. God bless, Judy