by marjialexa Moderator 06 Jul 2010

Well, it was the 4th of July, and I saw fireworks for sale at the store. No, no, I reluctantly put down the two-foot tall cone that promised me 'golden chrysanthemums'. You see, I remembered my brother, the fireworks fanatic, being chased all over the farm by one of those when it fell over as it went off. But, in fond remembrance of my brother, and my (very) long-lost childhood, I bought sparklers! I figured the 'kids' would enjoy them, too, since Polly is so interested in chasing lights. Besides, it's no fun to have fun all alone. Now, it's been very hot here, so as it cools down in the evening, I put the fan in the window so it blows the hot air out of the house, and pulls the cool air in. Sooooooo, it got dark and I got out my little sparklers. I went outside in front of the window, and began to light the sparklers, waving them around to attract the cats' attention. Jamie (the Sheltie) was outside with me, being actually rather bored, since he's used to Mommy doing very strange things. I got burned by a couple of sparks from the lighter, that was rather more entertaining, I guess, since I dropped the lighter and tried to suck at the burn while holding the lit sparkler in my other hand. Then I tried to find a black lighter on the ground in the dark. Had to get another lighter to light the next sparkler so I could find the first lighter. And then, with a red and blue sparkler lit, I got into the patriotic spirit of the thing, and began to sing that famous Sousa march they always play on the 4th of July. But, I couldn't remember any of the real words (if there are any), so I sang "Be kind to your web-footed friends, for a duck may be somebody's mother", ya da da da da da da deeeeee, yum ta dum dum, da da da da deeeeeeeee!!!!!! Rather loudly, I might add, being patriotic and also living in the middle of nowhere, with only the groundhogs and an occasional skunk to disturb. Jamie looked at me like I was nuts. The cats were interested in the sparklers and the singing; they like it when I sing to them, even if it does sound like "cat-erwauling". Guess they would like that, wouldn't they. During all these festivities, I forgot how much smoke those sparklers make, and also forgot that I had the fan drawing air into the windows. Well, the smoke was going right into the house, and, um, the smoke alarms went off!!! The cats got scared and ran, knocking things over, and Jamie started barking like crazy, either because of the alarm noise or because the cats were behaving badly, and I was caterwauling about a duck being somebody's mother! I was holding 3 lighted sparklers and singing, so there was nothing I could do, except maybe pee my pants laughing. I didn't go back inside until the alarms stopped, but I did stop singing and calm the dog down. I found all the cats, some under the bed, some behind the couch. They're all ok. They were afraid of the treats I offered them, but Jamie ate his milk bone.

I can't wait for the Labor Day celebrations to begin!!!

With love and laughter,


by dgarner 14 Jul 2010

LOVE it! I was laughing hard myself by the time I finished reading this! Thanks for sharing it!

by crafter2243 Moderator 12 Jul 2010

I love it, I love it. At least the smoke alarm did not annoye any of the neighbors. I can just see the cats scrambling under beds and away as far as they can get. Heidi doesn't like fireworks either and hopped in my bed. Now I had to share the bed with a German Shepherd. So glad to see your avatar again.

getEdited - SELECT
by jrob Moderator 11 Jul 2010

Marji, I'm afraid you have caused me to stir up a ruckus here while reading your story. I've laughed so loud that everyone has come to see if Nana has indeed finally lost her marbles! Goodness, I have missed you!!!!! (You aren't right, girl!)

by lflanders 09 Jul 2010

That is quiet a story! I am sitting here busting my sides laughing with you and at you, realizing how much we have in common and my baby girl comes tearing in the office/sewing room to see what is going on with me. She is forbidden in this room because I have 3 embroidery machines, a serger and a regular machine and she has very long hair that keeps me vacuuming the carpet and the machines if I let her in here. I actually have one of my expensive paint brushes (for my crafts) beside my computer to keep the long hair out of my key board. She is now sitting behind my chair very quietly so I will not get up and run her out of here.
By the way, be kind to your web-footed friends for a duck may be sombody's mother, be kind to your friends in the park where the when the weather is very very damp..... We have got to be very close in age to come up with that one! My son will also join in when I get started but I think he does it to drown out my horrible singing voice. You gave me a good laugh off of that one and it sounds exactly like something I would do! I think I remember that little ditty from the Lawrence Welk show too many yrs ago to admit. It was one of the sing-a-longs.

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 10 Jul 2010

Hee hee hee, thanks for coming up with the rest of the words, Linda!!

by asterixsew Moderator 08 Jul 2010

Great to see a posting from you and thanks for the laugh. I think like other Cuties, I wonder what your plans for Labor Day are.

by shirlener88 08 Jul 2010

You are a hoot.

by jacquipaul 07 Jul 2010


by debleerl 07 Jul 2010

I'm not sure what made me check the personal tab, as I can't remember when I last did that. I was so happy to see you posting again. Then I started reading, and laughing and coughing(yes I'm still sick) so hard that Ken thought something was wrong. Once I stopped coughing, I read your post to Ken through the tears, because I started laughing and coughing again. He laughed along with me. To those of you who don't know, Marji and I have become great friends as we live near each other. So I have the advantage of being able to picture this in my mind as it actually happened. All I can say is Marji, I'm glad you resisted the impulse to buy the rocket, as things might have turned out badly.

Luv you,


1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 08 Jul 2010

you should check it more often - we have lots of fun things going on here - don't we?

by 02kar Moderator 07 Jul 2010

Oh, it was good to laugh. I am glad that there is no permanent damage to the animals or the house. Can I come visit on Labor Day to experience the next installment of 'Fun with Fireworks'?

by judybell 07 Jul 2010

Marji, that is so funny and what a wonderful way to start my day out laughing with you. Have a great day. God bless, Judy *4U

by mops Moderator 07 Jul 2010

Marji, this is hilarious! I almost peed my pants! Good to hear from you, I was getting worried about you. Take care of yourself and your furry friends.

by lbrow 06 Jul 2010

My dear Marji. It is so wonderful to hear from you. Oh how I would like to have seen all those shenanigans. Something you can file in your memories of a memorable 4th of July. Good to hear the laughter in you although I can only imagine. Lillian