by anne55 30 Jun 2010

I got a cortisone shot in each knee instead. We'll see if this helps. I hope so. He suggested I get a cane to help with the instability, but said most women don't want to. Hey, I'm all for it if I don't have to worry about falling! I'm gonna get me a floweredy one!! God bless you all and thank your for your past, present, and future prayers. I go to the neurosurgeon about my back Friday. I found out in addition to the bone spurs I have a tear and that seems to be the major concern with my back now. As I said, just falling apart! Thanks again.


by rwalden 05 Jul 2010

Oh, by the RA doctor said that steroid shots weaken the bones.

by rwalden 05 Jul 2010

Two years ago I was in terrible pain..was told by ortho. surgeon I needed knee replacements soon. I had pain in nearly every joint in my body. I did not accept his answer and finally went to a doctor that would listen to me. My problem turned out to be Rheumatoid Arthritis. I see a Rheumatologist twice a year and take medication. I am now able to do almost anything I want. It's a simple blood test I would advise anyone with joint problems to have. What a mistake I would have made if I had gone ahead with the surgery. Please, please get others opinions.

by lbrow 03 Jul 2010

I hope the steroid shots will help. They usually will for a while. they've been threatening me with knee replacement for quite sometime, arthroscopy helped a lot with the right one. I'm kinda like the Energizer Buny, I just keep on, keeping on. As long as I can walk I'll not have the replacement. Sincerely hope things go well for you. It makes life difficult when you have pain all the time *

by keeponsewing 02 Jul 2010

Anne I was told the same thing. By 49 I couldn't walk at had been on crutches for 7 yrs, they finally replaced it. I know Dr. are supposed to know best, but thinking back because I had to wait for so long, it really put a lot of damaged on the other knee because it was carrying all the weight...(I wasn't as heavy then as I am now thank goodness)...It never hurts to have a second opinion though....I know the feeling of falling apart.... hehehe....

by linda8450 02 Jul 2010

I was told I was too young for several years! One surgeon said "Come back when you can't walk anymore!" I was an outside sales rep, and walking was my livelyhood. I saw a piece on TV about a surgeon in LA, CA and called for an apt. He replaced my right knee and right hip (all at once girls) when I was 57 and I had the left knee done 5 years later, the left hip 6 months after the knee. I am so grateful that I didn't wait! I don't recommend shopping for a doctor, if you trust yours, stick with him/her, but I will say I walk, no pain, no limp, now 67 years old and can dance the Electric Slide! I had to sit out the dancing at my daughter's wedding and I cried! I love to dance! I think that waiting til you can't walk is not the best way, as you will lose muscle tone and strength, and balance goes as well. I am soooo glad I didn't wait! I also can recommend synthetic viscosity shots over cortisone, they worked for about 2 years to keep me pain free (3 shots in each knee, 1 each week for 3 weeks) before I had the surgery. Good luck, Linda

by jrob Moderator 02 Jul 2010

I don't know your age, but one of my very good friends had both knees and she is only 50. She was told it was very young, but she had bone to bone going on, so it wasn't an option.;)

by judybell 01 Jul 2010

Anne, I hope the shots help you alot. Will pray that they do. Hang in there and be careful. God bless, Judy

by haydebug 01 Jul 2010

Hoping the shots work and you feel better! Good luck at the Neurosurgeon on Friday!

by 02kar Moderator 01 Jul 2010

Gee, isn't growing old fun? NOT. I know that you are in pain and it is difficult to walk. So I think you should get the most eye-catching cane that you can find. Or buy a plain one and let's have a contest for ideas to decorate it. Hmm, a long border design that wraps around the cane would be fun. Now stay on those feet. No more falling. It is bad for the back too.

by shirlener88 01 Jul 2010

That isn't a bad thing then - is it? I used a cane - when I first learned about my Osteroarthritis - I don't use it anymore - but it helped - while I needed - I was looking for my floweredy one, just last week - I was having some trouble with my back and thought it might help - I guess I am falling apart, too. Funny thing is - when I stopped looking for it - I didn't hurt any more. Hehehe!

by pennifold 30 Jun 2010

Dear Anne,

Glad to see you you're too young!!!! My Mum is 76 and she is booked in for her knee replacement on 16th July - only a couple of weeks to wait.

She is using a walking stick as it helps relieve the pressure put on the other side. I think that making it look pretty is a good idea. Mum just loves roses of any kind!

I hope the tear in your back can be healed, maybe just plenty of rest.

It's a problem growing older isn't it?

Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
anne55 by anne55 01 Jul 2010

Chris, thank you for your kind words. The shots seem to be helping, we well just have to wait and see if they work for several months. I'm praying they will. I hope your mother comes through her knee replacement with flying colors and that the therapy isn't too painful for her. Keep us posted. Anne