by smithandsmith 24 Jun 2010

with them and i would scream,cry and our dad would come outside and give my brothers heck and then kill the snake :( Well then i would cry again because he killed the snake. I have ran into a few of them other the years and the stories i could tell you about me and My family and friends get a kick of the them but not me. What are you scared of???


by pennifold 25 Jun 2010

You know I've only ever seen 2 snakes in my life outside of Zoos. And, they were both little ones, about 2feet long. Never saw any in Adelaide, or Melbourne when we lived there. It was in my other home near the swimming pool (I think they had come out of the bush to have a drink - it was very hot!) that I saw those two little brown ones. You know they are more scared of you and usually disappear as soon as they sense vibration.

I saw a show on Thursday evening about snakes in India and they have more people die there from snake bite than anything else. Now that's scary, but the people often don't wear shoes when in the country and they get bitten by stepping on them - they are so camouflaged that they don't see them!

Personally I don't like Spiders, we have some nasty ones here.

We also have the most poisonous snake in the world - the Fierce Snake or Inland Taipan. This snake is 68 times as poisonous as the King Cobra and 740 times as poisonous as the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. The other 9 of the 'Top Ten' most poisonous snakes on earth are also found only in Australia.

How'd you like to come and live out here?

No, really, as the name suggests this snake is from inland Australia - not a great deal of people live outback as we call it. I've added a map of where it likes to live.

Love and blessings Chris

by shazells 25 Jun 2010

SLUGS them horrible homeless snail looking things that appear from nowhere even if you flush them down the loo they will creep back over the toilet seat when you least expect them !!!!!! Horrid little things. It dont beat the fact im terrified of teeth false that is though I am improving as I havent got many left ive been seeing a therapist to help me cope it works I can look at a picture of them without vomating they gave me some in an envelope ive handled them but havent quite got to open the parcel yet! im working on it I nursed my mother but couldnt go near her if her teeth were out and visable lol

by emily16838 25 Jun 2010

I don't even like worms....just small snakes to me. Yuck!! I hate litting something like that scare me.

by maryjo 24 Jun 2010

Not a lot... I live in a rural area so we have lots of non domesticated animals around. You'll love this tho, being in the country the mice do find their way in in the winter. But so do the snakes, so I don't have a problem with mice 'cause the snakes eat them. DH went down to the laundry room one time last winter and one of the ceiling tiles was pushed aside and there was a 6ft long Blacksnake skin dangling from the opening. Don't know where it's owner was, don't much care. I have had pet snakes all my life. Had an 8 ft Boa when my eldest was a toddler. They played in the kiddie pool together. I'll see if I can find the pictures to post.

smithandsmith by smithandsmith 24 Jun 2010

ooooooooooo my gosh ,,,, you are a brave lady

maryjo by maryjo 24 Jun 2010

Not so brave..just the way I was raised. This computer scares me more than a snake.

by tweetee 24 Jun 2010

I am terrified of snakes. Living on a farm when I was young gave me that. Too many ancounters with them, and too many hairy situations. Not too much else frightens me.

by dgarner 24 Jun 2010

I do NOT like snakes -- in my opinion, there are only two kinds: POISONOUS snakes and DEAD snakes!
Rats give me the hibbie-jibbies -- my mother was bitten by a huge one when I was a child, and they caught it, killed it, and had to send it off for rabies testing. They stored the thing's HEAD in a plastic bag inside our REFRIGERATOR till it was packed for shipment (it was summertime). Imagine opening the fridge for your milk for cereal and finding THAT!!! It was NOT rabid, and the results came back right before she had to start the shots.

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smithandsmith by smithandsmith 25 Jun 2010

oooo my goodness.. My grandfather was a trapper.I do remember seeing there pelts on boards drying out in the sun. But i don't remember seeing heads or any other parts. Thank goodness for that!

by smithandsmith 24 Jun 2010

I just asked my daughter what she is scared of, and you wont believe this but she is scared of "people". I asked why and she said because they are capable of many many things. Like murder etc. You just never know what they will do. And it's hard enough to believe what some have done in the past.
You know i felt sad when she told me that. We watch the news and surf the web and see everything that goes on around the world. Our children see and hear it all. Children can't be children for very long anymore. I thought you's might want to know what she said.

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sewdoctor by sewdoctor 24 Jun 2010

Makes my heart hurt too, but she is right.

by blueeyedblonde 24 Jun 2010

I am petrified of ferrets. Didn't know I was until my son bought his girlfriend one and brought it in to me to show me & I just about ended up in tears before he could get out of the room with it.
I am also scared of snakes. When I see one in a pet shop I walk around it!

by nama2 24 Jun 2010

centipeeds, yuk, we had one in our bed one time and it just kept biting me! They leave bigger and itchier bumps than mosquitoes.

by sewmom 24 Jun 2010

Heights! I have a problem even going down an escalator or walking down the stairs of a stadium. Don't bother asking me to go skydiving LOL. I couldn't even finish the part of my high school PE test that had us crossing the monkey bars. Amazingly enough I could climb the rope to the top of the gym without a problem.
I'm also very scared of getting stuck in a car accident under water.
Driving over bridges combines my fears. That's a lot of fun....not.

by melita 24 Jun 2010

The best snake is a dead one and mice the same, just to think of them makes me want to jump on the table.

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sewdoctor by sewdoctor 24 Jun 2010

I would be right there next to you!

by lbrow 24 Jun 2010

Don't like bugs especially those big old cockroach looking things they call Palmetto Bugs that you see in Fl. a lot. They fly & I'm terrified of them.

by designgirl 24 Jun 2010

I don't like snakes at all. I also have a fear of birds. I must of have a scare when I was very young. Something about their feet bothers me. I don't mine feeding them in the winter,my husband fills the feeder.I am inside of course. Lynn

by sewdoctor 24 Jun 2010

I dont' like snakes, but I am terrified of mice. Just writing that made my skin crawl. I don't know why either.

jrob by jrob 24 Jun 2010

because they are nasty little disease carriers and I'm with you sista!

smithandsmith by smithandsmith 24 Jun 2010

i have two cats to take care of those :) But i don't like it when Houie(the cat) decides to make a play toy out of them and wont drop it. Then you have to chase the cat with the mouse.

by mary51 24 Jun 2010

I am afraid of snakes too, but somehow I block it when I am gardening, in Florida we have a lot and I do not think of snakes when i am outside, When I see one I call my DH to kill it, I do not care if it is or not poisonous, I know that there is a riddle about the colors but I am not going to start thinking what colors are together, so I kill it.

by honeychyle 24 Jun 2010

Not too many things scare me but like the old song "don't like spiders and snakes", I avoid them as much as possible!

by bokkieborduur 24 Jun 2010

Crickets, I don't like those little black goggas. Hugs Marie

by ken174 24 Jun 2010


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smithandsmith by smithandsmith 24 Jun 2010

thats a real scare for me as well. When i was 15 i was babysitting and the house caught on fire in the basement. I got the kids and myself out and ran next store to call 911.

by rwalden 24 Jun 2010

I'm also terrified of snakes. Once had one to crawl across my feet. Thought I would die. I had to remain calm because my daughters were nearby and didn't want to frighten them.

smithandsmith by smithandsmith 24 Jun 2010

well i wasn't so nice with my encounter with one when i had my 4 year old son with me. We where looking at a house to buy and my husband open the well to check it and there was a nest of snakes in it. Well i took flight and left my poor little guy there with the snakes. I felt so bad after but he was happy to see the snakes.

rwalden by rwalden 25 Jun 2010

If I had encountered a nest of them I probably would have ran too!

by haydebug 24 Jun 2010

I am afraid of any icky animal/bug that sees me before I see them - Bug, spider, snake, mouse etc... I do not like surprises. If I see them first I am fine. LOL, If I nearly step on them before spotting them, I am not okay! It all Has to do with the surprise factor.LOL

by bikermomfl 24 Jun 2010

Heights! Hubby too, he got on the roof once and couldn't get down! It was funny but not for him.

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blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 24 Jun 2010

No, that is an awful feeling you get when you are on a roof or something and you can't get down. Just like having clostriphobia - you think you can't get out and you really can't then - even though you could - then panick sets in!

by 02kar Moderator 24 Jun 2010

Height. Even just a few feet can make me disoriented. I think it came from falling down the stairs when I was about 5. Do your brothers realize what they did to you?

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smithandsmith by smithandsmith 24 Jun 2010

oooo yes. now they do but they still like the tell the stories. Boys will be boys. I have 3 boys and they have never done things like that. (that i know of ?? )