by jofrog2000 18 Jun 2010

at me. I know I could take them apart, felt them down and use the pieces, but that's too much work right now. has anyone just used wool fabric for embroidering on for , say, pillows or wall hangings? All of the items are too small (sigh) or outdated to be worn again.



getEdited - SELECT
by keeponsewing 23 Aug 2010

I have a hard time throwing out fabric, but there have been times I've donated to a local group of women who quilt to donate to causes. However, most don't like to use wool for several reason, dry clean,or too hot. If you have girls or GD who love the 18" girls they make great skirts, coats, hats etc... for them. You can use it to make pocketbooks, totes, purses, you can wash and shrink them and make a vest combining all the wools together. You can do the same and make a panel skirt using all the wool. Making the seams raw edges instead of inverted seams. (saw this in a Threads magazine one time.very pretty)... The ideas are endless but whether you have the time and will do it should play into the factor of to keep or not. With winter coming you could use them for hats, gloves, scarfs. leg warmers.... I could go on... That's why God made some of us crafters, we create too. :) Pictures are of pocket book (craft website) and 2 pc doll outfit with some embroidery. (mine)...Terre
PS: Sounds like Christmas presents could be made. :)

by theduchess 23 Aug 2010

It's best to just let go and donate it to charity. Battered Woman's can always use them as sometimes these ladies only leave with what they have on. I also tend to store until I see someone with less.

by bevgrift 23 Aug 2010

Whatever/whichever you decide, N.B. is to have fun and be creative.
Sometimes if it causes to bog you down it is not so much fun.
From Bev

by lani02 23 Aug 2010

I have seen beautiful quilts made of wool. My husbands grandmother used wool squares and rectangles and make wonderful blankets.

by colonies1 23 Aug 2010

you have been given some great ideas so i will give you a flower

by jofrog2000 22 Aug 2010

It's all still in a bag, waiting for me, well, I did sort it into 2 piles... lol. I'm really leaning towards some christmas stockings on the red. Or part of a tree skirt. I will have to check out Martha--she wouldn't give it away!

by chenille 22 Aug 2010

Oh my, I think you are my soul sister! I have been going through the same process, mostly with my mother's things. The other night when I couldn't sleep I got thinking...! Some of my mothers things I just can not part with at the moment but they are way too small for me :(. Some of my ideas were:1-cut them apart, embroidery on them (and yes wool is wonderful to emb. on) and make wall hangings with some of her favorite flowers etc. 2-felt some smaller pieces for coasters (with emb. of course!).3-the same ideas put together for a nice patchwork vest. 4-take an old sweatshirt and use these patches to make a cardigan ( you cut it down the middle front,cut off the bottom edge and the neck,put on the patches, then use binding around the works!) 5-pillow covers would also be nice. Needless to say I haven't done this yet. I do know that the local thrift store does not do as well with some of these woolen items so it is nice to put them to some use. Oh, I also have an embellishing machine that I am going to use on some older woolen sweaters and see what I can come up with...all of this when I have time! hahaha!!
hope this gives you some ideas!
Hugs, Nadyne

by katydid 22 Aug 2010

Yep, I found another pack rat!! Join the club. You could not throw it away the first time and it made it's way to the attic. Now upon discovery you are trying to justifying keeping it the second time. I understand, it is our nature. if you ever move to another location, let it go rather than pay movers to box and keep. I did not do this either!! He He !

by whtsands 22 Aug 2010

Martha Stewart has a pattern on her website to make cute hats out of wool. I had a blazer that I meant to shorten the sleeves on and never did, now it is out of style. I am cutting it into pieces to make hats for myself and my granddaughters. Also you could make a nice wool scarf, if you like the color.

1 comment
katydid by katydid 22 Aug 2010


by wendymay60 22 Aug 2010

you could make a quilt (Blanket) with squares or and long patches then edge & back it with cotton material. then if you can part with it give it to the Church Hospital, Care Home, Salvo etc. ""Remember to first stitch the wool into squares before cutting or use a no fray glue if the woll material is of the knitted sort. *4u all

by gerryb 19 Jun 2010

Hi! I work as a vol. in a clothing closet & the wool clothing does not go very well. It has to be dry cleaned & most people that go to the clothes closet don't have the money to spend on dry cleaning. Maybe to the Salvation Army for their resell shop? Heavy coats in wool are another story. But skirts & slacks will probably be left on the rack unless you live in a really cold area. Just a though. May not be the same in your area. Good luck.

by 02kar Moderator 19 Jun 2010

Oh, are you in good company! I look at fabric and think of what I could do with it. Maybe that is why I have no room left on my 2 shelving units and 2 piles of fabric on the floor. But I will use all of it some day, really.

by asterixsew Moderator 18 Jun 2010

I had come on to Cute from a break from sorting through and disposing on my late mothers papers etc. I know that everything you look at you think shall I save and is there a use or do I get rid...
Have a go at sewing on wool and if it works very well you can buy new fabric next time instead of recycling small clothes etc

by honeychyle 18 Jun 2010

Keep us updated on your decision. Pictures would be great!

by maryjo 18 Jun 2010

Actually, even tho they are really tempting you to create something else with them, they may best serve their purpose by donating them to the Church. I have had the same struggle many times. If you're anything like most of us you have plenty of other materials for your projects and these are all ready for some unfortunate soul to use. Just a thought. Oh the delimas we face as creative beings.

jofrog2000 by jofrog2000 18 Jun 2010

Are you my sister in disguise? LOL. She does not sew, has no clutter. Just animals.

maryjo by maryjo 18 Jun 2010

Absolutely not, I have 3 nonsewing sisters of my own. You made my point...I have so much fabric and craft stuff that if I saved the skirts they'd probably still be here years from now along with the rest. I desperately need to de-clutter so I have been forcing myself to make the hard decisions and donate a lot to charity lately. It is a constant battle to not see a "possible" use in EVERYTHING.

by shirlener88 18 Jun 2010

Jo, sounds like you know what to do with it - get those pillow and wall hangings going - can't wait to see your projects.

by designgirl 18 Jun 2010

I have, I made a tree skirt for my daughter out of an old pleated red skirt. I lined it with white cotton and embroidered on it. It turned out great. Regards Lynn.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 18 Jun 2010

Lynn, sounds lovely.

jofrog2000 by jofrog2000 18 Jun 2010

This does sound interesting, there are 2 red skirts. Hmmm

iris2006 by iris2006 18 Jun 2010

Great project and a good idea.