by bunnylane 16 Jun 2010

I got help with the design I ask for,thanks again,but was wondering is there a certain way to find a design by the cuties without going through all the pages.Hope this makes sense.


by shirlener88 16 Jun 2010

bunnylane, if the designer made an announcement in the COMMUNITY section - you might be able to do a search for it by their screen name or the title of the design.

by joann13100 16 Jun 2010

Not that I've found. Sometimes you have to go through them all. Just hope whatever you are looking for is in the first few pages......

by psssst 16 Jun 2010

Yes it makes perfect sense (your question) what doesn't make sense is the inability to locate a specific design in DBC.
Unfortunately if no one helps you locate a design in DBC yes, you MUST search all 200+ pages

lindalee757 by lindalee757 16 Jun 2010

Yup- I agree-makes perfect sense and doesn't make sense on the inability-I can't tell you how many hours have spent going through the 200 plus pages trying to locate certain things. I keep a pad rite next to the computer so I can write down pages of interest-but I still end up have to search lol. I guess it's half the fun of the designs.

psssst by psssst 16 Jun 2010

hahaha a root canal is more fun than searching 200+ pages
Sorry but I have spent hours going through the pages only to have to go through a 2nd time and finding it midway.