by annatjievdw 29 May 2010

done, the better. My brother and his son asked me to thank all of you for keeping this little boy in your prayers.

Love you all dearly,


by 02kar Moderator 30 May 2010

I am so happy for you and your family. This is a special anniverary present for me to get good news.

by judybell 30 May 2010

Annatjie, another praise for our Lord. I am so thankful Arno came through his surgery and is on his way to being well. God bless, Judy *4U

by read180 30 May 2010

So glad to hear everything went ok. The power of prayer. Praise the Lord on this Glorious Day.
Cindy B.

by crafter2243 Moderator 30 May 2010

I am so glad he is doing well. Children are so resilient. Thank you for letting us know.

by lbrow 30 May 2010

This is extremly good new to hear anna. Glad he is doing well. *

by jacquipaul 29 May 2010

Will continue to pray for little Arno; I'm so glad that he is improving. Both of you need rest now and to take care of yourselves.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 30 May 2010

Thanks a lot. If he is fine I will ask his father to send me a photo so all of you can see what he looks like.