by annatjievdw 22 May 2010

through the chest for such an operation. Make me want to cry if I think of it. Please help us keeping on praying for him. Thank you dear friends. Love u all, Annatjie


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by judybell 25 May 2010

Annatjie, I will continue to lift you and all your family up in prayer, praying that your little fellow will come through his surgery and have a long healthy life. May you feel God's loving arms around you and your family during this difficult time. ****flowers for all of you. God bless, Judy

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 30 May 2010

Judy thanks a lot. Will keep all of you updated on him.

by manami 25 May 2010

Dear Anna,
He is in my prayers list too. Love, Yoriko

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 30 May 2010

Yoriko thanks for keeping us on your prayer list. Lots of love, Annatjie

by shirlener88 24 May 2010

Of coarse - we will continue to pray for him and the family, as you all need our support through this time.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 30 May 2010

Shirlene dear thanks a lot. Hope Rick is better as well. Keep me updated on him cause I think of you so much. Lots of love, Annatjie

by crafter2243 Moderator 24 May 2010

I will continue to pray for this little one and for your family too.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 30 May 2010

Thanks a lot. Appreciate your concern so much.

by clawton 23 May 2010

Hope the operation went well and will be home soon.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 30 May 2010

Thanks a lot for thinking of us.

by gerryvb 23 May 2010

angels will watch over him, let's pray everything goes well.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 30 May 2010

Gerry thanks a lot.

by jrob Moderator 23 May 2010

Annatjie, God knows our petition even before we ask, and we know how his preferences to little children were. I join you in prayer.

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 30 May 2010

So true. God always know what our needs are. Thanks for all your prayers. Luv u, Annatjie

by ksgram1 23 May 2010

Prayers continue for a successful operation and a full and speedy recovery. Hugs ***

1 comment
annatjievdw by annatjievdw 30 May 2010

Thanks a lot. Appreciate your prayers a lot.