by suzettebritz 07 May 2010

Have you watched or read this? No electricity, no flights, no communiction world wide, no credit cards can work, no cash can be drawn, fridges defrost, fresh produce not available... What do you think? If you believe this can be true, how do you plan to spend the next 2+ years?

I know this is not a PERSONAL topic, but thought there is no harm in sharing our views.


by marthie 12 May 2010

I have read all the comments. Saw the movie only half because I thought they overdone it. Then there was a documentary program on TV about 3 weeks ago, and it was, is and will be very scary if something like this would happen. BUT just take in consideration what happened the last 2 years re natural disasters!!!!!

1 comment
suzettebritz by suzettebritz 12 May 2010

Can't agree with you more Marthie! I also didn't like the movie and didn't even watch all of it. But the documentary is scary, if you think of the last 2 years' disasters and even the chaos the recent volcano caused!

by keeponsewing 11 May 2010

The only "prediction" I believe in, is what the Bible predicts in the last days, and my friends we are getting closer, whether it happens in 2012 or another time, I just know we must all be ready for our Lord's return. (A little on the humor side... If this does happen and the Lord hasn't returned, then I better start saving candles and lots of fabric and floss and threads, oh and needles too. hehehehe)

by edithfarminer 11 May 2010

do not believe it at all. the millenium was supposed to give problems.
I would not worry one bit. Only worry if something really happens.

by joann13100 10 May 2010

I better get cracking on all those unfinished projects I've got laying around. :)

suzettebritz by suzettebritz 11 May 2010

He-he-he! And just think of all the time we spend downloading designs...when we could have used the time to actually make something!

suzettebritz by suzettebritz 11 May 2010

..And to think we might not have electricity to do embroidery!

by camylow 08 May 2010

Sorry, but I do not believe in this scientific stuff....Only the FATHER in Heaven knows....look at all the junk that went around about the year 2000 was going to happen...computers and banks weren't going to be able to handle the turn of the year...It is really sad when people try and figure out the future and get the public spooked....I put my trust in the LORD and will live one day at a time until HE comes to take me home....

suzettebritz by suzettebritz 08 May 2010

Camy, I agree with you. From the LITTLE bit I understand, this has nothing to do with when the LORD will return to this earth.

Apparently it has everything to do with natural disasters due to the alignment of the planets (i.e. earth quakes, volcano's, etc) and scientists believe it can put the world back by about 200 years. I have not read enough to really give an informative opinion here and was wondering if any other Cutie have "studied" this.

bevintex by bevintex 08 May 2010

this is a prediction based on the Mayan calendar. It supposedly runs out Dec 21, 2012.

camylow by camylow 08 May 2010

Well, whatever happens is in our LORD's hands and I am thankful to know him and hope to know him better each day....sending you lots of love deanna

by shirlener88 07 May 2010

Oh my Suzette, I do hope this doesn't happen - are you sure they were not reviewing the show 2012? I will live life to the fullest - I know that already - you just don't know - what tomorrow will bring. *4U

suzettebritz by suzettebritz 08 May 2010

No. I saw the movie. Google "21 December 2012" -there are even dedicated websites, explaining the position of the son, earth and planets on that day and the possible consequences of this...

grammyfran70 by grammyfran70 13 May 2010

The sun, earth and planets have been aligned like this before and nothing happened. Live your life and what will be, will be. Now, wouldn't that make a great!!

suzettebritz by suzettebritz 14 May 2010

Interesting - when was that? Thought this would be the very first time!(according to the documentary)