by dollygk 24 Apr 2010

His only comment was, "I found this in the snacks ailse, can you guess what this is". LOL


by jacquipaul 26 Apr 2010

Can't see the picture!

by gerryvb 25 Apr 2010

so sorry we cannot see the pictures. I suppose you have to post this in projects or questions.

by ksgram1 24 Apr 2010

I thought perhaps a thousand year old egg. Hugs***

by dollygk 24 Apr 2010

VERY cute ladies, they were HOT pepper chicken feet LOL

1 comment
asterixsew by asterixsew 24 Apr 2010

Oh I remember a tin if chickens feet in gravey that came from a chinese grocery and it got passed back and forwards for a nmer of years until my husband was hungry and ate them and then wished he had not. He was hungry and they were not filling

by sqdancer 24 Apr 2010

Can't put up pictures in Personal...

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Apr 2010

Thanks for sharing, we can have fun guesing just what i was he found. Now what would be a suitable snack - snake crisps?

getEdited - SELECT
by dollygk 24 Apr 2010

and the picture:<br /><br /><br />For some reason I can't get the picture to upload, I'll keep trying.