by cloey 23 Apr 2010

Dear Cuties, just want to let you know that when you go to amazing don't forget to scroll down to get the tiny font. That is how I missed the "K" in the easter font.

LOL Cloey


by rmj8939 24 Apr 2010

Wow. I hadn't noticed that either. Thank you for heads up.

by cathiejones 24 Apr 2010

Thank you Cloey.
I never realised they were giving 2 freebies !
How long have they been doing that ?
I have a big list of sites in "my favorite bar" and the adress was going directly to the freebies page for the letter.
That second freebies was on the homepage today, it's a rose.

by shirlener88 23 Apr 2010

Thanks dear one.