by motoandnutty 15 Mar 2010

My suggestion is that we all pull together and vote for the K again today, instead of voting in the M.

It is only a delay of one day for that letter, but it would mean a lot to the community if we could all help out our fellow Cuties.
I know I have asked the same before, and not got very far - but I'm ever the optimist!


by Simplesewer1 26 Mar 2010

Keep on voteing and remember ya just cant beat the price

by deeside 16 Mar 2010

Why not ask for each letter to be available for two days instead of one ? It's only sensible that people will vote for the alphabet in order, it's even easier to miss a letter if the availability jumps all over the place.
Just my opinion ......

1 comment
msfancyvip by msfancyvip 07 Apr 2010

This is a wonderful suggestion, as it can be difficult sometimes to get on-line every single day. I wish we could put it to a vote somehow. ~Rita

by lani02 16 Mar 2010

I need J. Could you vote for J also please

by crafter2243 Moderator 16 Mar 2010

One of the reasons why I stopped trying to organize the vote is that there are other groups voting that probably don't even read our posts. They seem to have more votes and are more organized and will overwrite us anytime. There was a time when we here had the power to do this, but no more. At least that is true for the fonts. So don't feel bad if this does not work. Nice of you to try.

by eamon 16 Mar 2010

I don't often speak up - but I applaud you for trying.
I have voted for K but I think there are far too many voting for the M.
Why everyone is in too much of a hurry to get their letters to think of others is a mystery to me! As you say - it would only be a one-day delay after all!

by alfiedak 15 Mar 2010

Good luck motoandnutty! I will vote for the K again, and hope that others will follow your lead!
It would not hurt anyone to pause a day to help out their fellows!