by celticlady1031 05 Mar 2010

crashes like mine did you won't have a problem installing everything again. I had Embird on a CD for the Just-in-Cases. Turns out DH needed a CD and didn't ask where the blank ones were. He just took one out of my embroidery CD drawer and put all of his work pictures on it. When I found out what he'd done I just about had a heart attack. Of course he deleted everything first. Just my luck. I'm putting a lock on that CD drawer!


by simplyrosie 04 May 2010

I always re-download Embird if I have to reinstall it since the saved files don't include the latest updates.

by jofrog2000 03 May 2010

Make sure you DON'T use a rewritable cd, then it cannot be used again. It's closed forever. And make at least 2 copies and keep them somewhere else.

by dilceia 03 May 2010

I lost. I was updating my 2003 and I lost my antigo.Eu can not move in my Embird for being English. Does it exist in Portuguese?

by iris2006 05 Mar 2010

Thanks for the tip Mickey, I will do that

by lbrow 05 Mar 2010

I know what a job that was Mickey. KIeep your passwords printed out & in a safe place. I have a notebook just for my embird & having the PWs have saved me a lot of grief. *

by sarahj 05 Mar 2010

Bless your heart!!!! Been there done that but it was with my step-son and husband. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with either one now, just me and my Mother. She know nothing about a CD's,computers or embroidery machines! ~ ; ) My heart goes out to you!!! sarahj

1 comment
celticlady1031 by celticlady1031 05 Mar 2010

My DH know nothing about computers either. I just wanted others to leatn from my bad luck. I back up my designs weekly so I didn't lose too many of those.