by eleen 17 Feb 2010

My dad by accident got a wire stuck into his good eye while working in the garden. They've done emergency surgery but it seems there is very little hope for saving it and he will most probably loose the eye. They can not really see as there is still too much blood and damage that needs to heal but they think that the wire must have punched the nerves. I feel so hopeless and wish it was rather me. It is terrible once you have to realise that your parents are now the age that they are more like your children. Please pray for him as I know he won't be able to handle to loose his independence. Thank you


by noah 19 Feb 2010

I am praying!!carolyn

by kathyjt 19 Feb 2010

Said a prayer for him and you.

by psssst 19 Feb 2010

My prayers and well wishes are with your dad.

by tanuja 19 Feb 2010

So sorry to hear about your dad's accident.will pray for both of u LOL tanuja

by camylow 19 Feb 2010

Many Prayer warriors are here for you and your dad.....He is so blessed to have you take care and watch over him....GOD IS in CONTROL and all will be as he deanna

by jrob Moderator 18 Feb 2010

God knows your needs even before you ask and He will take care of this, please trust Him. I'm sure you feel helpless, but you can be the beacon here and find something positive to take to your dad. I will continue my prayers.;)

by lflanders 18 Feb 2010

May the Lord bless your Dad and you. You are so right about role reversals. My Mom was just like a child in her last few years. She could take care of herself if it was something that she wanted to do but she would become a child if it was something that she did not want to do for herself. I had to hire a nurse to stay with her during the day after I found out that the home health care nurse was using her car and spending her money on stupid things. She was on oxygen and the H.H. Care nurse was using her car to go and buy her cigarettes and other things that she did not need in the house. I had a friend(nurse) that was no longer able to hold out working in a hospital so I hired her to go and stay with my Mom during the day while I was working. She did wonders for Mom's attitude!
I do pray that things work out for your Dad so that he does not loose all of his sight in that eye but he will learn to compensate with the site from his other eye, if he needs to. Just a word of advice from someone that has been there. Do not let him think that you feel sorry for him. Encourage him through this but if he gets the sense that you feel sorry for him, it will transfere to him. Even when my Mom was so bad off and we knew it would not be long for her, we all tried to keep light of the situation so she would have the same feelings. We did alot of laughing and remembering the good old times and she would join in with us. My son was just wonderful with her. She was actually better when he was around than with anyone else. He was grown but young at the time. She enjoyed his company more than mine! I had to be the Mom at that time and she did not like anyone telling her what she needed to do and certainly not her only child. I had to be very careful what I said and did around her as she got sicker. I know your Dad has not reached that stage yet but the roll reversal starts early on. Independence is hard for anyone to loose. You sound like a very caring daughter and my prayers go out to you also! I think your Dad is very lucky to have such a caring daughter! Hugs, Linda

by dlonnahawkins 18 Feb 2010

It hurts us when our parent age and things happen to them. You are in our prayers, as is your dad. They need their independence, so hopefully it will be better than first opinions.

by mysew1325 18 Feb 2010

I am so sorry.. I will say a prayer.. my dad lost his sight as he got older.. could only see lights and darks, but he still managed to fuss around with stuff.. he lived almost to 90.. he really did not let it get to him.. I pray you dad will have a good recovery ..

by moyed 18 Feb 2010

My thoughts and prayers go to your and your .

by pennifold 17 Feb 2010

Dear Eleen,

Our eyes are our window to the soul and just because one window is shut - the other one is still there. I believe in prayer just like many others on this site and hope and pray that he will gain some sight back.

Everything in our body needs time to heal and I feel for you having to look after him. You are right when you say our parents are more like our children now - I'm going through the same thing as you.

Love and blessings Chris

by asterixsew Moderator 17 Feb 2010

Thinking about you and your dad

by marthie 17 Feb 2010

So sorry to hear about your dad's accident.We will pray for both of you.

1 comment
eleen by eleen 17 Feb 2010

Thank you Marthie

by jacquipaul 17 Feb 2010

Love and prayers for you and your brother. Life is hard in the 'sandwich generation'. (Sandwiched between chldren and aged parents).

1 comment
eleen by eleen 17 Feb 2010

Thank you Jaqueline. Currently I feel like the ham part. I am taking him to see the specialist and driving up and down collecting medicine and then my dad keeps on apologizing but it is the least I can do for when I was a kid they did everything for me - never expecting anything in return. Just sad I can not take the fear and pain away.

by lbrow 17 Feb 2010

Eleen u will b amazed at how well someone can adapt to one eye no matter what their age. I said to my daughter what u have just said the other day. Our roles are reversed she is now telling me what to do. BBBBUUUUTTT I still have a lot of life in me. Hope your dad does well & don't let him know how bad u feel about this. Give him much hope & encouragement. *

1 comment
eleen by eleen 17 Feb 2010

Thank you - I told him yesterday that despite how he feels about adapting if it is not there your body will automatically have to adapt since there is little to be done about it. He must rather concentrate on getting the other eye better and also never give up praying as the specialist reminded him that in God's hands anything is possible. At least his specialist is a great doctor.

by judybell 17 Feb 2010

Eleen, I'm so sorry about your father. I will lift him up in prayer and know God will help you all through this difficut time. In His Love, Judy *4U

1 comment
eleen by eleen 17 Feb 2010

Thanks Judy

by crafter2243 Moderator 17 Feb 2010

Eleen I will add him to my prayers. Hopefully he will not loose his sight in this eye. Driving might not be possible but no reason for loosing the independence. You save gas, insurance payments, upkeep on car which makes taking a cab possible. Right now recovery is most important. Hugs

1 comment
eleen by eleen 17 Feb 2010

Thank you for you inspiration it helps

by gerryvb 17 Feb 2010

(It happened to my eldest brother several years ago, but he managed to see and to do everything with one eye,so perhaps this can be a comfort in case the eye is too much damaged.) But we'll pray for him.

1 comment
eleen by eleen 17 Feb 2010

Thank you At least the doctors said that they will be able to increase vision in the other eye as he has cataracts. He is also a bit stubborn which is a worry. Just hope that he will be able to drive around.

by manami 17 Feb 2010

Eleen, I'm so sorry! You and your father will be in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings,Yoriko

eleen by eleen 17 Feb 2010

Thank you it makes it easier if you know their are people that share this burden.

eleen by eleen 17 Feb 2010

Thank you it makes it easier if you know their are people that share this burden.