by estrellita00 11 Jan 2010

already I feel celebraty with all of you. Thanks a LOT!!. I was laughting so much because, I just try to answer all your comments and question, and I think...I better go to my profile and tell every CUTIE where I come from and where my designs are from. CUTIES I write a book on my profile, hahahahaha, if you are interesting to read about me, just check out and you can see a lot inspiration is all I can tell you. Again, thanks a lot for all your comments and flowers, I put each one on water already. I hope everyone can undestand me, I try my best to write in ESL. Luv


by dlmds 13 Jan 2010

You can teach many of us your wonderful sewing gifts. You always have your family here when Hubby has to travel. Your English is fine, many of us that have English for a first language do not use it as well as you do. H&*

by gerryvb 13 Jan 2010

you're writing is great, we just see you are very talented!

by pennifold 11 Jan 2010

You're doing alright Estrellita - I use the Google translator if I don't know what someone is trying to say. It's a great tool to have.

We are so pleased you've come here and again I want to give you praise for your beautiful work. It's a God given talent you have there.

Love and blessings Chris

by lbrow 11 Jan 2010

Oh estrellita, we've just all adopted u. We recognize talent when we see it & my dear u have lots of it. We r overjoyed at having u with us. Lillian *

1 comment
estrellita00 by estrellita00 11 Jan 2010

oh!! Thanks a lot Lillian. I spend long hours made it things and my husby travel all time. I dont have much social life, I love spend time with my fabrics, machines and my dogs. Now I have a lot of Cuties, in special you always have been reply with a beautiful saying. Thank You.