by mymakes 05 Dec 2009

I want to add some lettering to the fsl ornament i found in the designs by cuties. can i do that and if so do i have to a certain font?


getEdited - SELECT
by sewmom 05 Dec 2009

Yes, but you have to make sure the stitches in the fsl design are close enough together to hold the letters. It may take trial and error, you won't know until you wash out the stabilizer. The denser the fsl stitches, the better the letters will work. Which design by cuties are you trying?
I have used some designs that have words already in them (then I know they work), I add my own words or design and change the stitch order to do the original words last. Then I just don't stitch the original words out. You could also leave them in order but then you have to remember to skip them during the sew out process.

mymakes by mymakes 06 Dec 2009

i am not sure which one i will have to go back and find it. but it does not have anyting on it. but if i find one with lettering on it is it easier to just omit it and add my own?

sewmom by sewmom 06 Dec 2009

I'm sending you a private message also with more info.
I find it easier to do the switcheroo when I find a "base" or "blank" that I like. It's a little hard to see because you are putting a design on top of a design. I sometimes make the lettering separately or right next to it on the program and then move it to go on top of the other design after I can see it clearly.

mymakes by mymakes 06 Dec 2009

thank you for your help. i tried and i think i succeded!!!

by jrob Moderator 05 Dec 2009

Yes, you can do that and no you don't need a particular font. The FSL when properly digitized will hold up your fonts.

1 comment
mymakes by mymakes 06 Dec 2009

thankyou for your help!!