by sukirani 24 Nov 2009

started before christmas.have a great day.


by maryjo 24 Nov 2009

I appreciate your Christmas wishes, but I have one suggestion. I know that the use of an "X" is basicly shorthand and most people don't even think about it. But using the X in place of the word Christ is the equivalent of crossing Christ out of Christmas. Please think about this next time and maybe you'll decide not to use this particular abbreviation. Merry Christmas to you, and all the Cuties.

sukirani by sukirani 24 Nov 2009

sorry maryio, i would surely not do this mistake again.hope no one does after seeing your message.

lbrow by lbrow 25 Nov 2009

Maryjo, my hats off to u. You are so right. Christ is the reason for Christmas & I never use a design putting X instead of christ, nor do I ever write Christmas using an X. thank u for speaking up. Lillian

maryjo by maryjo 25 Nov 2009

Just the way I was raised. I know some folks don't even think about it, but it gives me a pang every time I see it. I'm glad Sukirani took my comment to heart. Maybe others will think about it now.