by wsmith 20 Oct 2009

and try to embroidery this one at a time. Or is there a way I can combine this like I do with Monogram Wizard. Help


by gerryvb 22 Oct 2009

like some others I also use layout and editing you can Import the designs and place them like you want them.when ready you can write the total of designs on a carf or stick as one embroidery design.

by snowhite49 21 Oct 2009

I also am not familiar with Monogram Wizard but I do make names out of the Alphabets I get here. I start with the first letter of the name then import the next letter, then the next until I have all the letters I need. Usually they have gone far beyond my biggest hoop so I select all the letters and shrink them so they will fit into my largest hoop. I also change the order in which the colors are sewn, since all the letters will start with the same color I do all of that color first then go on to the next color, etc. it saves time so I don't have to have so many color changes. Hope this helps (I have PE Design, but I am sure most work the same/similar) Good luck!

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 21 Oct 2009

Just a little warning. Snowhite, I think your PE Design is changing the stitch count when you shrink the letters into the hoop, right? Because it's digitizing software as well? My Janome Digitizer Pro will do that, too. But for those of you who don't have digitizing software, make sure whichever program you use to reduce the size of a design also reduces the stitch count. Some do not! If you don't reduce the stitch count, you're going to end up with a very very dense design that might not sew out as you wish. Your idea is great, Snowhite, thanks!!! Hugs, M

by marjialexa Moderator 21 Oct 2009

I think this is a good place to discuss the difference between 'alphabets' and 'fonts', and hopefully help you, W Smith. I don't know your program Monogram Wizard, but just from the name it sounds like you could import fonts and make a monogram in different styles. Think of a 'font' as a typeface, like script, block letters, Times New Roman that you use for your e-mail, etc. A font is usually able to be combined into names, and comes in upper and lower case letters. You probably have a few built-in fonts on your machine that you can make names with. An 'alphabet' is a collection of the letters of the English alphabet, usually all capital letters, each digitized separately and each letter consisting of unique artwork. These 'alphabets' are generally large, and each letter is meant to be used as a stand-alone embroidery design, not something to make words or names out of. Or, as Cutiepie said, to use the first letter of the word, and then your machine font or another smaller plainer font as the rest of the word. Unless I'm totally not understanding your Monogram Wizard, you would not be able to use that program with the alphabet letters obtained here.

Now, you certainly can combine several of the alphabet letters to make a name, but there's going to be no wizard to to that. You need to have embroidery software of some sort that you can import more than one design into a representation of your hoop. You would need to place and line up the letters manually. And, you would need to have a hoop large enough to accomodate the number of alphabet letters you want to use together. It depends on the size of the alphabet you are using. If it's a short name and a smaller alphabet, you might be able to get it in your 5x7 hoop. If you have a larger hoop, that's great! It means more letters. If you are wanting to make a name of 5 or 6 letters out of most of the alphabets here on Cute, then in all liklihood you're going to have to line them up individually, or possibly 2 at a time in a larger hoop. But it's going to take several hoopings. I've seen in Projects where some of the Cuties here have done things like this. They get lots of gold stars from me, because it's not something I'd attempt. Heck, I use designs without a definite horizon on shirts, etc, because I can measure till I'm blue in the face, before and after hooping, and the silly thing will still be crooked! That's just me. I blame it on my bi-focals.

Hopefully I have cleared up something for you, if not I hope Jerrilyn comes along, because I think she does a lot more of this than I do, and certainly with better results, hee hee hee. Hugs, Marji

by cutiepie 21 Oct 2009

I am not familiar with Monogram Wizard, but I can tell you that it is very much easier to combine the letters into the word you want in software and save it as a single design (taking care to NOT overwrite any of the individual letters) rather than to try and "assemble" your word in the hoop.

You do need to keep in mind that many of the alphabets you get here are rather large letters, so you may not have room to do many together in a single hooping. You may have better luck just using one of the "fancy" letters for the first one in a word and use a regular font for the others.

Or, if you are doing something like a banner or "welcome" sign, one letter per square works well, but that is a different thing entirely. =D

mops by mops 21 Oct 2009

Nice picture of your trio, Cutiepie, wish it was larger!

asterixsew by asterixsew 21 Oct 2009

Yes what a lovely picture

by shirlener88 21 Oct 2009

wsmith, WELOCME to the CUTE family - once you save your designs (alpha's) you can pull them into your Layout and Editing or your Program - that you have for editing - whereever your Wizard is - I am sure you can bring your designs together - align them and creat your word or sentence and then save it - take it to your machine and stitch away. *4U

by sewmom 21 Oct 2009

I usually open each one on pe design and move them to their proper place. Then I save the design to a floppy and take it to my machine. Although I have also done what lbrow said and put them together at the machine. I did have a problem on pe design once when I moved the letter and it asked me if I wanted to save it like that. It was confusing but it might just be because of the way it was digitized. I don't know.

by lbrow 20 Oct 2009

I do not know anything about monogram wizard but I save each set of Alphas I get in a sub folder under Alphas. I use Embird SW & simply pull the alphas I need out of their folder/file using the cp screen i line up or make the sentence or words I want put them all together making a file of it. then send it to my machine. Marjorie will b much better at telling u how to do this than I am & I'm sure she will be along to do so. * & welcome to the cute Site.