by marietta 16 Oct 2009

dreams dit I think I would have to come home without her for ever.

She was the most beautifull Maltese poodle I had ever seen, and has been by my side constantly since we have had her. She went where I went, and had cussions all over the house, by my computer, next to my bed, etc, etc.
She was a little off colour yesterday, and I made a appointment at the vets for 4o'clock yesterday afternoon, by 5o'clock my son, who had surprized me by arriving from Kimberley, over 1000 kilometers away, the previous day, after my lovely visit with Marthie (what a wonderfull surprize), took me home without Suzie. She had such bad diabetes that the vet said it would be better, at her age, to be put to sleep. She got very sick towards the afternoon.
I have diabetes too, and knows how you feel. She would not have allowed me to inject her twice a day, and she fought the vet all the way, when he tried to work with her. She has never been a little dog who wanted to be handled. She just always wanted to be near me.
I have a lovely vet, and after a lengthy discussion, weighing up the pro's and con's we decided it would be best for her to go to sleep for ever. Her kidneys was not working too well at this stage, and she had a lot of ketones in the urine, and at that stage the sugar in the blood was 28 instead of 5.
This was the hardest decision I had to make in a long time, but I know God has a reason for everything, and He took her straight up to sit by His feet, I know He did, because I asked Him to please take care of her.
Well cuties, I have now spoken to all of you, and feel a little bit better, although it is going to take a long time to not think of her all the time. At least I have such fond memories.
Thank you for listening.
Hugs and God bless to all of you my friends.


by shirlener88 18 Oct 2009

Marietta, I am so very sorry for your loss. There is nothing that I can say - that will take the pain. But do know - we each have had some experience with this same sort of pain in the past, too. The memories will be easier for you to review as time passes - they will give you joy, too for having had her. I will be praying for you, dear one. *4U

by katydid 18 Oct 2009

I am so sorry you lost your sweet Suzie. Just about this time last year I had to do the same with my little cock-a-poo (3/4 poodle and 1/4 cocker). I still miss her so much. Pets are just part of your family and I feel sorry for children who are not allowed to have pets to love on. I now have a sweet cat. You will find something,I'm sure.

by jrob Moderator 18 Oct 2009

Marietta, I am so very sorry. Those of us who have lost our precious pets understand and grieve with you. Post her picture for us so that we can imagine her running and playing and happy today. Hugs to you.;)

by mmgreyhounds 18 Oct 2009

I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are family members. They each have their unique personality and we love them like family. I am happy your son was there with you so you did not have to do this alone. Remember the good things and even though it is really hard now, know that she has no more suffering, no more pain and she is in a good place.

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marietta by marietta 18 Oct 2009

Thank you so much.

by designgirl 18 Oct 2009

We had a border collie "Whisper" for 13 years. She was a family member. We also took her to the vets one morning, because she just wasn't right. The vets said she was here in body but her soul had died through the night. So we made a very tough but good decision in her favour to have her put to sleep. The vet said we made the right decision for her and sad as it was for us. We have her remains here with us now and a beautiful picture of her above them. That was 18 years ago and I still get tears in my eyes even as I am writing this. She was our wonder dog. Take care I will be thinking of you. Hugs Lynn.*4U

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marietta by marietta 18 Oct 2009

Thank you so much Lynn, it is so nice to be able to "talk" to all of you cuties. I just realize that I am not the only only one going through this. I have a lovely picture of Suzie next to my computer too, and can at least always see and sense her.

by manami 18 Oct 2009

Dear Marietta,
I'm so sorry to hear about Suzie. These pets stay along our lives becoming a member of the family, and it's so sad when they leave you. I also have a dog Sally, she is about Suzie's age, and she is in pain, not walking anymore as she has a back problem, but we are delaying the date to take her to the vet to make her sleep. It's a hard decision, and I hate to see her suffering. You are in my prayers and thoughts.
Love, Yoriko

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marietta by marietta 18 Oct 2009

Thank you Yoriko, I know we love them too much, but you cannot help it, they have this way of just creeping into your heart so deeply.
I hope your Sally will mabe get a little better, and that she will know that she is loved all the time.
Love Marietta

by castelyn 18 Oct 2009

Marietta, so sorry to read about Suzie.
This must have been very difficult for you to make a decision. She does not have to suffer any longer.
My baby (will be 14 years border collie "Blue" as he has 1 blue eye) and I dread each time I take him to the vets. I also took him in on Thursday, they gave him an injection for the pain and have repeated his pain tables.
My prayers and thoughts are with you

Hugs Yvonne

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marietta by marietta 18 Oct 2009

Thank you so much Yvonne. This was the worst decission I ever had to make, and I was crying like a baby, every time I saw something that belonged to her. I am glad though that I had no time to ponder about it. I had to make the decission on the spot, otherwise I would also have had more difficulty in doing it.
Hope your "Blue" will be feeling better today.
Hugs and God bless.
Thank you for prayers.

by pennifold 18 Oct 2009

Dear Marietta, my heart goes out to you. It is the saddest thing when you take your animal to the vet's and come home empty handed. I know, I've been there. I can only say that time heals and you'll most probably end up getting another dog. I know I keep saying that when our Bella dies, I'm not getting another dog, as I couldn't bear watching another animal die.

I'm so glad you have lots of good memories of her. They are part of our family and always will be. God bless you and I pray that your tears will get less and less.

Love and blessings Chris

by marjialexa Moderator 18 Oct 2009

Oh, Marietta, I am so very sorry!!! I know how you feel, from too many times the same thing happening to me. Sometimes I think we miss them more than we miss people, because they love us so unconditionally, so purely. Such a hard decision to make, but you chose for the best, it would have only gotten worse. A bad thing to happen, for sure, but at least you son was there at that time, and you didn't have to do it alone. Maybe that was a little 'cushion' from God, to ease the pain. I know she's with God, as are all my many babies, and what a party we'll all have we we arrive too! Oh, you got me crying now, big hugs to you, I'm so sorry this had to happen!! Hugs, Marji

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marietta by marietta 18 Oct 2009

Thank you Marji, I never ever thought I could feel so lost. One of my son's told me that he is worried about me, because what would have happened to me if it was one of them. Just shows how they kreep into our hearts. I feel a little better now that I have had some time to think, and know that she would never have gotten better, and that she will never feel sick again.

by gerryvb 17 Oct 2009

Oh dear, that's such a hard decision. I know I've had this twice. And you know you did the best for her,it should not be fair to keep her in pain because you will not say goodbye yet. but you miss her so much, I understand. many hugs for you.hope you have lovely memories and pictures of her.*4u

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marietta by marietta 17 Oct 2009

Thank you Gerry, I still want to call her to come to me all the time, but have now stopped crying. I have lovely memories and pictures.

by crafter2243 Moderator 17 Oct 2009

Marietta I am so sorry for you loosing Suzie. It is heartbraking. We love these companions in our lives and statisticly we will outlive them and suffer the pain of loosing them. I had to make up my mind wether I will have another animal after loosing my cat of 18 years last year. I now have a 2 year old Shepher that I rescued, because I came to the conclusion that the joy I have with them during their livetime outweighs the pain when I loose them.
I pray that your sorrow will lessen every day and you enjoy remebering the good times. Love Angie

marietta by marietta 17 Oct 2009

thank you Angie, I am still so very heartsore that I cannot even think of another little one. She was truly the best companion anyone could ever have asked for, but as the vet said, "You must have a dog" I will still decide at a much later stage.

crafter2243 by crafter2243 17 Oct 2009

I totally understand.

by quiltgrama 17 Oct 2009

I am so sorry. I know how I would feel if it were my boys. Take solice in the fact she will not be suffering and as you said is now keeping god company at his feet. Love Lisa

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marietta by marietta 17 Oct 2009

Thank you Lisa.

by bluerhino 16 Oct 2009

Oh I am sorry for your loss. hope you are doing well

marietta by marietta 17 Oct 2009

Thank you, it is still very bad, but I am now starting to realize it was for her own good, and I would not have liked her to be in pain. Hugs and God bless.

judybell by judybell 17 Oct 2009

Marietta, I also am sorry for your loss. I know you didn't want to see her suffer and that is very kind of you. God bless,

camylow by camylow 17 Oct 2009

God does have a reason for everything....a comforting thought can be
she is in heaven with the FATHER....Time does heal, and I am so sorry for the loss of your litttle beloved friend....

by bevintex 16 Oct 2009

I have been in your shoes. I also had a 13 year old bassett mix who was diabetic. Got him as a puppy in 1979 and had to let him go in 1993. He did very well on insulin for several years then his kidneys also gave out. All the pictures of my sons when they were small include this dog. He had to be where his people were. Its heartbreaking but it is for the best.Carry the fond memories,these will always be with you
God Bless you and your family

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marietta by marietta 17 Oct 2009

Thank you for the kind words, I must now think of what was best for her.
Hugs and God bless.

by kezza2sew 16 Oct 2009

Marietta, I am sorry to hear of this. Our pets are our children I know. I can understand how you are feeling I had to end my cats (17yrs) life last year. As time passes it will get easier to cope with. The main thing is your doggie is no longer suffering. I think this is the way to handle it and as you say you have fond memories. They will never fade in our hearts. I am glad you told us all. My heart goes out to you. It was nice your Son was there with you, family will help to. Hugs and love from Kerry

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marietta by marietta 17 Oct 2009

Thank you, the worst at this moment is opening the door for her to go out, and realizing she did not follow me. But I do have many fond memories, and a lovely photograph up on my wall by my computer.
Hugs and God bless.

by tortoisekeeper 16 Oct 2009

I am very soory that fur baby had to cross the rainbow bridge. I know how bab it feels to lose a beloved pet.


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marietta by marietta 17 Oct 2009

Thank you, yes, this time it really is the worst, although I pined for all my pets.
Hugs and God bless

by lbrow 16 Oct 2009

Marietta I am so very sorry. I have no pets now, but had a kitty I loved dearly. He had a heart attack while I was at work one day & i had already lost my husband the yr. before. I know how I grieved, just as I grieved over my husband. Pets when we love them dearly are our family also & it hurts when we cannot do anything for them & we lose them. Prayers are for you. * My charlie was 12 yrs. old.

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marietta by marietta 17 Oct 2009

Thank you Lillian, I do not think I am going to get another puppy, as I get too attached, and then it breaks my heart when they die. I had to have her little brother put to sleep about 4 years ago, and it was also agony for me, but at least she was still here for me. Now there is just this emptiness.
Thank you for thinking and praying for me.
Hugs and God bless.