by maddyh 22 Aug 2009

I would love to complete this current cutefloralfont set by getting the letter- B.

Your vote would be greatly appreciated. I LOVE these forums!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!


by letvia 23 Aug 2009

I added your request to my list but maybe you should follow Marji advice and if you can afford it, buy the letter you need, my list is very, very long and until the new alphabet has finished you won't be able to get enough votes to win and when the alpha has finished sometimes is not easy either. But as I said, I added your request to my list. Welcome to Cute. Flower and XoXo

by marjialexa Moderator 22 Aug 2009

Welcome to Cute, and we're glad you're enjoying yourself!! Voting for any letter but the A from the new font is probably futile, but you can try. Last I looked, there were well over 100 votes for the new A. We'd love to help, but I don't think there's enough of us. You may have to resort to buying the letters you're missing. But, if you don't need it right away, hang on till this alpha is over, then we can try again. Letvia has been keeping a list of the letters people need, but she says that list is getting verrrryyyyy long. Best of luck to you, and stick around and keep enjoying yourself! Hugs, Marji