by gloriajstitcher 12 Jul 2009

I have been downloading the Funny Train alphabet faithfully everyday. What happened to the N?


by sambsranch 13 Jul 2009

she got it in late and then the next letter came up a few hours later... U Need to keep checking all day long and some times into the night to catch them some times... I lost some letters in other sets this way... Sorry for u'r loss... ;(

by eveve 13 Jul 2009

ya u missed it. We have the M and 'N' out, then dont know why 'M' come out again... maybe because its over the wkend and everyone dont vote much or just get misled without reading their files...... so next come the 'O' which is right. The 'M' came out twice.

Another issue is, it seem to me that cute has changed the timing of changing to a new design....... so maybe that explained why someone said she saw M in two days in a row... u missed the in between 'N'.

by tallie 12 Jul 2009

Nevermind...i went back to check my files and I the N...I'll just need to do some voting when done to get the Car, A B & C. Not that I missed them cause I have em they just didn't save right so I'll to save them again if offered or I'll buy them. Thank goodness I didn't miss the N cause I never really miss letters except for every once in a while and that's usually only 1 letter....this site is one I check good to miss out on

1 comment
michele921 by michele921 13 Jul 2009

Glad to hear you got the N how did the first ones DL wrong? sometimes I have had that happen have been able to have my computer fix the file for me. right this second I can't for the life of me remember what I do LOL it doesn't happen that often. I will try and remember and PM if I do.

by tallie 12 Jul 2009

I agree I missed the N to and check every day, all I seen was the M and seen it for 2 days....guess some of us will just have to do some voting at the end for it

by michele921 12 Jul 2009

the M came out then the N came out then the M again now the O is out you should have it if you have been DL everyday if not ask levita to put it on her voting list when the font is over. * 4U

getEdited - SELECT
by gg2009 12 Jul 2009

There was some order mixup (I think) and N has already been posted. I already downloaded it. Perhaps it will be given at the end as a voting request. (I will vote for it.)