by tinfriend 11 Jul 2009

In the Newsletter when sent from the Owner it stated for example, advertising the new design :

"Here is the link:

The next Dragoon Free Design is on the same page:)"

NOWHERE did it state that it was A HUNT!

I have been BANNED from NUMEROUS sites for NO FAULT of mine because of OTHER people placing links to Hunts etc!

So therefore I don't and have NEVER done so although I must now suffer the consequences because of that, no matter how many times I have TRIED to Prove my innocence, it has fallen on deaf ears - so be it... it is the Group Owners prerogative! I have only been re-instated by ADIS - to whom I am so thankful!

At times I even post only the HOME PAGE and state that you must CLICK on the Free Design link etc as I will not even post THAT direct link either!!!

Hope this clears that matter up now!


by aviesel 13 Jul 2009

Thank you "Tinfriend" for bringing this up. It is very important for those of us who are "freebie" hunters to respect the site owners and not be "snatch and run 'down loaders/free loaders.'" Posting direct links in a hunt is "snatch and run" and extremely disrespectful of the site owner.

As "marjialexia" and "mops" pointed out, it costs money for a digitizer to post "freebies." So, "free is not free." Those free designs are out there to help us make informed choices about buying from a site, they are not our 'RIGHT' because we happen to visit a web site. Free designs are not our 'payment' for spending hours surfing and trying to pull in as many freebies as we possibly can.

Here is a thought to was suggested at another site that if we downloaded a free design, we should test it out. Then, if the quality is good, go back a buy something from the site owner, even if it is just a token purchase. That helps keep that site open for future purchases.

by angelmakes3 13 Jul 2009

Go thru some of those pages on those sites to get their free design. You might be surprised at what you find. I bought a membership to one because I was looking for their free one. They had some designs & projects that I had been looking for, for quite awhile. And thank- you tinfriend for your postings, I can spend more time sewing instead of checking all those sites myself.

by marjialexa Moderator 12 Jul 2009

I'm standing squarely with TinFriend in support, and want to say that I agree with her comments. I would hope everyone would take the time to really understand what is being said here. If you had ever had your own business, you would know how expensive & time-consuming it is. I have run my own business, and I speak from personal experience. There is an old saying, "There is no such thing as a free lunch." Well, there is no such thing as a free design, either. SOMEONE is paying for it, it's just not you--it's the designer. If she asks you to go thru a few pages of designs to find it, I think that is not too heavy a burden to place on your shoulders. If you don't "have time", then you don't have time to sew either, and you don't have time to spend all day on Cute. With apologies to Tubby, most of these designers are women, WE are mostly women, how about sticking together instead of cutting each other's throats? These women, like Yoriko and Ricky, have taken a risk in opening a business and starting a website. We know Yoriko & Ricky, because they're part of our Community. Why not think of the other designers out there in the same way? They're women like us, trying to make a living in these perilous times! They're just like you, have the same rising costs and dwindling income. Have you noticed how many sales are going on in embroidery now, and how deep the discounts? That's because any money is better than no money, and they have to pay the bills for those web sites. How about a little respect for our sisters out there trying to support families by providing you with designs for your hobby or business. Those direct links to hunts are poison. It would be like giving a key to your store to someone to pick up a set of monogrammed towels after hours, because she couldn't make it during the day. They she turns around and gives the key to 20 of her friends, and they come after hours to take sets of monogrammed towels off your shelves without paying for them, and without you being there to possibly interest them in purchasing some of your embroidered aprons, tote bags, purses, t-shirts. They sneak in after midnight, so they don't have to be bothered with you trying to 'sell' them something. Your 20 sets of promotional towels that you spent $500 on are gone, and you've never even seen a single customer! Just how good would you feel about that? And how would you feel about the lady you trusted with the key to your store? Food for thought, put yourself in someone else's shoes. This isn't a 'no big deal' matter, it's a bedrock, foundational matter. Your attitude about this seemingly small thing reflects your attitude toward larger things, how you live your life. For those of you who speak 'christian' so glibly, if He had an embroidery machine, What Would Jesus Do?
Please think, and respect digitisers as businesswomen, and sisters. Thank you, Marji

1 comment
tinfriend by tinfriend 12 Jul 2009



by colonies1 12 Jul 2009

I feel the same way you guys feel *4u

by tinfriend 12 Jul 2009

No - Rules are Rules! If it is a Hunt on the site you are NOT allowed to post a DIRECT LINK to where the actual Design is LOCATED AT ALL!

You can POST that the Site is having a HUNT and Post where the info is - usually on the Home Page - BUT THAT IS ALL!!

NO HINTS EVEN when people ask! Direct them to the Site or Yahoo Group where there are usually messages posted from the Owner answering THOSE questions already asked from members of her website / Group!

The Owners doing a HUNT would like you to view all their designs on their websites - that way you may find something you like and purchase it! They take a lot of their time providing FREE designs for everyone to just DL and leave without ever browsing thru their website!!! It is the least a person can do!!

The reason I was banned BUT then un-banned was I posted a link to advertise a Hunt - the owner THOUGHT I had posted a link to the designs , which I didn't although someone else here @ Cute did!

Perhaps she thought EVERYONE was involved - I don't know, BUT when I directed her to READ ALL my posting at Cute and explained that I DON'T do that - I was un-banned! I did the same to another Owner who I thought understood and that all was sorted out - but up until today I am STILL Banned! But that is her choice!

I think that this WHOLE ISSUE is so unfair because now a few other YAHOO GROUPS have also BANNED me - they NEVER advised me - I just see that I am no longer a member of the Yahoo Groups! THEY never had Hunts, I never did anything to harm their Groups so now they just follow suit and BAN me too without any reason!

SO I get judged for something I have not done - I feel like a criminal YET I am innocent! I feel that it is so unfair, their prerogative I know, BUT is it not courteous to let a person know you have been BANNED and the REASON WHY????

Flowers for you all! Thanks for mine!

marjialexa by marjialexa 12 Jul 2009

TinFriend, I know you are an ethical person, and I'm so sorry you got tarred with the same brush as the culprits did. Actually, you probably got it worse, because I don't think the culprits take the time to belong to groups or be active in them. I do hope if we say this enough times in enough ways it will get through to people. Keep up the good work, keep up the education. I would like to think in time the group leaders would understand what had happened, and re-instate you. Best of Luck, Marji

tinfriend by tinfriend 12 Jul 2009

Thanks for YOUR Support and understanding Marji - I sincerely appreciate it! I just HATE being accused of something I have not done! IF I have done something wrong I am HONEST enough to say so and apologise to the relevant people BUT to be accused of something I have NOT done makes me SO sad and also HURT!

BUT nothing I can do about it....! I just HATE that there is a Question about my honesty being hung over my head - the other day I applied to join a Group and membership was denied - no reason!!!

Yet quite a few others approved me - so THAT was a bonus!!!

IF these Groups DON'T want me as as a Member - well nothing I can do about that - I will just never go to there websites, advertise them OR DL their Freebies etc!
Hugs to you & Flower too!

by cloey 11 Jul 2009

Tinfriend I don't understand what the big deal is if the design is free. If it's free isn't okay for everyone and anyone to get. If these sites don't want you to share a free design then don't post a free design. If you pay them I believe it's a different story. It think it's crazy banning people over free designs.

mysew1325 by mysew1325 11 Jul 2009

I feel the same way.. free is free.. what's the big deal anyway.. I was banned from a group and for the life of me can't think of what I ever did wrong.. I just figured Oh Well. and do not buy from her any more and I did love her designs..

mops by mops 12 Jul 2009

Giving out free designs is a costly way of advertising - and meant to show you the quality of the designs in the hope you'll buy some as well, now or later. Some site owners only give them in a hunt - so you're obliged to get through pages of designs, their way of making sure you view their wares before you download their gift. So it IS a big deal if someone gives a shortcut to all and sundry.

marjialexa by marjialexa 12 Jul 2009

Yes, Martine is correct. Free designs are advertising, and it is expensive to give them away. Think about it! You have to spend hours digitizing a good design, sew it out (that costs time and thread and stabilizer), possibly go back and perfect it, then photograph and post it, then pay for the bandwidth for everyone to download it for free instantly, because nobody wants to wait for designs in the e-mail. Digitizers use sample designs as a way to get you to try their work, and LOOK AT all their other work! That's the purpose of a HUNT. You have to look thru things to find it, and maybe find something to purchase. The digitizers are making their living doing this, and they should be RESPECTED for that. The "big deal" is that it is stealing, pure and simple, to give these links directly to the design. It's like giving copies of a key to someone's house! It is going around rules a designer has set up, because you don't "have time" to do a hunt. People who post these shortcuts should indeed be banned from groups. It is exactly the same as walking into your dealer, picking up a CD of designs, putting it in your pocket, and walking out the door without paying for it. I worked in Advertising & Public Relations and the Broadcast industry long enough to know these rules inside out. The rest of you might just start with the 10 Commandments: "Thou shalt not steal" is a good one. Please take time to learn how the world really works, instead of downloading thousands of free designs you'll never use anyway. Yes, it does make me angry and upset, I spend years and years battling this kind of ignorance. Sincerely, Marji