by jink 09 Jul 2009

up ..has anybody made this stal and how turned it out ...i think it is very nice and love the idea that i have a lace project....


by vixentlc 10 Jul 2009

Jink, I had a look at the designs, seems like it is standard lace procedure. I've added the link for Emblibrary. They have tutorials and videos on how to go about getting the best out of your lace, my tip will be to rinse it real fast and leave as much as possible WS on the design for extra stiffness. Hope it helps and have fun. Remember that Filips designs are not for commercial use.

1 comment
jink by jink 10 Jul 2009

i know i make it for my son.. he loves the story of jesus in bethlehem ..
thanks for the link

by mimisews2 09 Jul 2009

I don't know about this design, but someone may know something. Back to the top! Hope you get some good info.