by jink 08 Jul 2009

sambsranch you have a pm with the links to your requests..


getEdited - SELECT
by sambsranch 13 Jul 2009

Hey jink... I have some bad news... Some of the PES files on the applique Alph are not coming up... they ERROR... I don't understand what the prob is... Maybe U need to check them out on u'r end... Also the P on the fill design is coming up as an O??? Do U have another P on the fill design???
Sam ;(

getEdited - SELECT
by sambsranch 09 Jul 2009

Thank U very Much... I was wondering what format U design them in? Can U tell me? PES or HUS... I fount out its best to load the format they were designed in into my software, with less convertions, is best... R4U...
Sam :)