by krislav 21 Aug 2007

Does anyone have any tips on working on jeans and pockets??? I am new at this, and am having problems!!


by jrob Moderator 24 Aug 2007

Yeah, everybody post your jeans project!

by hazelgrace 24 Aug 2007

How are the jeans going? May be we could see the results posted on in the gallery at some time.

krislav by krislav 26 Aug 2007

Not going good!!! I am having problems with thread bunching up on the underside of my work. This is the first that this has happened to me

jrob by jrob 28 Aug 2007

krislav, this sounds like a tension problem. Are you doing something different than usual?

by jrob Moderator 21 Aug 2007

My BEST tip for a jeans pocket is to remove stitches ONLY from the bottom and leave the pocket stitched to the jeans at the upper corners. That way you can use self adhesive paper and stick the pocket to it without completely removing it from the jeans. Then after you are finished, just restitch that bottom portion. I agree with hazelgrace about embroidering on the leg. Take the stitching from the seam that is on the inside. The outside seam usually has a seam and double stitching for decoration and you don't want to have to replace all of that if you don't have to. I've been seeing some really cute monograms on the lower leg of capri jeans.

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 23 Mar 2008

I like it - cool tip!

by hazelgrace 21 Aug 2007

Because of the shape of your jeans it may be that you will have to unpick a seam or 2 (usually the inside leg) to get access to the fabric to hoop it. Pockets will have to be removed unless you don't want to use them any more. It may be useful to make alignment lines with pencil or stitch lines. If you want more help let us know exactly what your problems are. If you print out your designs on paper you can cut them out and pin these to the jeans to help you decide where to put the designs for the best results.Hope this helps.

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 23 Mar 2008

I like it - good tip!