by marycombs 02 Jun 2009

Would someone send me the LetterD from the pansy alpha?


by lbrow 03 Jun 2009

Just make sure Letvia knows what u need mary & we will help to vote it n *

by marjialexa Moderator 02 Jun 2009

It's illegal to 'share' designs that you didn't digitize. You get the right to sew them out, not share them with anyone else. We can vote for you, if you contact Letvia by PM or e-mail, which is in her profile, she'll add you to the list. Just FYI, it's really not safe to publish your e-mail in forums like this, everyone can get it and you may end up with more spam that you bargained for. Good luck getting your D. Marji

by darenluan 02 Jun 2009

Welcome to Cute!!! Please ask a voting-request for the letter you need or simply vote for the letter you are looking.

by cutiepie 02 Jun 2009

Um, no. Nobody here (except Veronika) could do so legally. Even though it was offered as a freebie, the copyright remains with the digitizer/site owner. To send a design that you don't own the copyright to is illegal.

by jasanne 02 Jun 2009

Please don't ask for people to 'send' you a design, even if it was free, it is illegal to share designs. You can ask us to help you vote for a design again which most people are happy to do.

by satwilliger 02 Jun 2009

I tried to send you the Pansy d, but it was rejected, could have been your virus protector. sorry

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 02 Jun 2009

It's illegal to ask for or to send designs you haven't digitized & don't own. Please don't do this, it hurts everyone. Read Tubby's post on "sharing" for more info. Thanks, Marji