by kipper 17 May 2009

can lace designs be embroidery on a

regular emb machine


by embroiderynikki 19 May 2009

They sure can. Look down below for instructions:

by bobbies41 17 May 2009

Go to in the left hand menu click on Embroidery Projects, this will bring up a new page, click on NEW Freestanding Lace projects. This will bring up a project I did with FSL and cutwork on a tote bag. There are many pictures and written instructions for each step. This site also sells the best water soluble stabilizer I have ever used. Marji was right, use the fabric type WSS, not the plastic type. Bobbie

by marjialexa Moderator 17 May 2009

Designs that are digitized to be free standing lace can be embroidered like any other design on your embroidery machine. But instead of embroidering on fabric, like a blouse or shirt, you use water soluble stabilizer, the kind that is like fabric, not plastic wrap. You use your regular embroidery thread in the bobbin as well, then your lace will turn out the same on both sides. Perhaps others will come along who know where there might be tutorials on some websites. It's a fun thing to do, once you get the hang of it. Good luck, Marji

by bokkieborduur 17 May 2009

What kind of emb machine do you have

1 comment
kipper by kipper 17 May 2009

i have a janome 5000