by mariahail 15 May 2009

by all the personal posting. I been about to be send to "the fire squad" for some of the people in


by bikermomfl 17 May 2009

If she doesn't care for the way we 'chat' she isn't obligated to read everything.....

1 comment
angelmakes3 by angelmakes3 17 May 2009


by stork 16 May 2009

Everyone here is like a big family and we do talk....sorry.

by lflanders 16 May 2009

The personal postings are what makes this group so close. We are not just a name or avitar but friends. Friends help friends and they care. Caring is what makes this group such a great group to me. Each person helps the other any and all they can. It may be advice on where to find a design or instructions on how to do something or it may just be encouragement when one of us is sick or having problems. I look forward to all the post. This is a great place to be and when someone does not "share something" in a couple of days then you can bet that they are missed. Of course we like the designs that everyone finds and the ones that our "in home" members design and we love the free instructions we get from different members. We enjoy seeing all the beautiful work the other members do and post for all to see. It is all fun! And of course, what would we do without the regulars that always have a kind word for most everyone! We would be lost without Meganne. She should write books, and her wonderful smile makes everyone feel better. Yoriko, gives us something new and different to look forward to everyday. I hate to leave out any names but there are so many that always have a kind word for everyone. What would we do without the group as a whole? This is just a great place and it is all these wonderful members that keep it that way! Linda

marjialexa by marjialexa 16 May 2009

Yes to everything you said! Just why can't we do it in some orderly fashion? This is a forum, not a chat room, and it would be so much better if we could remember that.

meganne by meganne 19 May 2009

Thank you Linda, but from now on my posts about breast cancer, and all that goes with it, will only be seen in 'personal' as I (too) having been guilty of breaching "The Guidelines".

I am passionate about the BC fight and in an effort to get the BC message across and make more friends aware, I have deliberately posted those messages in Community, though a lot of the time I do also just forget about there being a "personals" tab. From now on I won't.
Hugs n much love, Meganne

by castelyn 16 May 2009

Thats a pity, she should have just skipped the personal postings then. Hugs Yvonne

by aviesel 16 May 2009

You are one special Cutie, so no matter what "that other person" says to you or about you, always remember that Cuties here love you and worry about you. Your posts are so very welcome! Never forget that!

by clawton 16 May 2009

I believe most people are thankful to you for sharing your talents. Miss Veronika provided a place for us to share designs if we wanted. We do have to make decisions on our own. It is our choice as to whether we download designs, join membership and the way we participate on the site. We just hope that folks do it in a friendly manner.

by gerryb 16 May 2009

Don't fret it. One doesn't have to open and continue reading the posts! Just move on to the next one! OR forget the "general" and go to the other tabs relating only to sewing. There are so many ways to still enjoy a site like Cute! Gals, life's too short to worry about things like this. Sorry your friend isn't happy with Cute, but that's ok too. She can surf the net & find other sites to meet her sure they are out there! Hang in there & enjoy the friends here that love ya & don't discuss Cute with your friend that doesn't like it. We don't all like the same things! Have a good weekend! (by the way, I leave flowers often when I don't post a note..especially when it's a free design done by our talented gals!)

by dlmds 16 May 2009

Maria, This is another reason that I thank God because I have the priviledge of making choices. You just stay the wonderful person you are. H&*.

by marjialexa Moderator 16 May 2009

For the long answer, you can see my post to ewroland's question. The short answer is that the community was started for sewing help, the Personal tab added for our personal prayer requests, joys, sorrows, etc. The Bookmarks section was added for freebie posts.

And it's all mixed up because some don't want to follow directions and keep it organized and information easily accessible by category.

Sorry your friend was turned off, Maria, and sorry you have suffered for basically doing the right thing. I guess that's what the world has come to. Be well, Marji

by celticlady1031 16 May 2009

I seem to have missed another blow up here. I guess I just don't see them because of all the good stuff posted. I guess if I wanted all this drama I'd have stayed married to my ex.... Tell your friend that all the GOOD here outweights the nasty stuff. This is still my number one site and all the meanies will never change my mind on that one. The friends I've made here and the help.... It all speaks for itself. Hang in there Maria. There are way more that like/love you here. Probably more than you even realize.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 19 May 2009

HEAR! HEAR!!!! I absolutely second your last 2 sentences.

"There are way more that like/love you here. Probably more than you even realize."

hugs n roses, M

by misscharlie 16 May 2009

oh and ty for being you *

by misscharlie 16 May 2009

Maria I am not sure if you mean the personal postings about first our own tragedies (illnesses & death) and triumphs (births & celebrations) OR secondly if you mean personal as in someone in particular is going after you personally.

If it is the first one yes technically there is a personal tab for all such news and sharing (just like bookmarks for freebies) BUT just like the bookmarks tab people choose to post to "community" they want to share with the whole family not just those that want to go to the other tabs. My home page is cute community everytime I start up my pc I come to cute, and rarely check the other tabs.

Now if it is the 2nd one and someone is attacking you for making posts of any kind I suggest you contact Miss Veronika and tell her your feelings and see if she can either make this person stop or ban them from cute. We do not have a moderator on cute and these so called cute police who mostly are "do as I say not as I do" kind of people need to hear it directly from Veronika that this is her site and if there is something going on that she doesn't like she will deal with it.

I don't always say thank you for your posts, but I always read them AND I know in your heart, you know I love and appreciate you so much. I always read your posts and give you a flower cuz I loves ya girl XOXOX

by dixie 16 May 2009

Not sure what this is all about, but just forget it and don't get upset. There will always be someone that has to spoil it for everyone else. I enjoy reading your comments, advice, reminders and free designs like most of us on this site.

getEdited - SELECT
by pennifold 16 May 2009

Dear Maria,

I have just come on site after being at work most of last week and was sad to see your friend found this wonderful site offputting. I, for one,agree with everything everyone else has said on this posting.

I am always thrilled to see your name and thankful for any help and advice, free listings etc. The camaraderie amongst all the women on here (and men too) just make it such a special place to visit and if people don't like it then they don't have to come and visit. I think there most probably are a lot of people who may be put off by the personal listings but that is why there is a Personal tag - and I for one love reading the stories. I feel blessed to be part of this wonderful community and knowing that there is always someone on here to listen/speak to and also to pray for or help out - isn't that what we have all been asked to do. Love one another - life is too short and just ignore those people who have offended you. You keep on being you because that is the best gift anyone can be - you are a treasure and a gift to us all.

I'm sending you a lovely bunch of flowers to brighten your day and a great saying.

Love and blessings from Chris

by meganne 16 May 2009

Sorry Maria, but obviously your friend hasn't joined many other groups or she would soon realise that there are far fewer "Off-Topic" personal posts here at Cute than many you receive at other groups.

I have had to go to daily digest on 5 of my other groups because I receive way too many (sometimes over 100) emails a day and none of them related to the topic of embroidery. One group in particular I receive in excess of FIVE daily digest from, every day.

Being here at Cute is special, and though many times i get annoyed at the freebies postings, (because as a digitiser, I feel they are not fair to Miss Veronika), I now just select "General" and ignore all the rest. (Though occasionally I will peak if I see it is a new site or if it's a reminder, heeheehee!)

It is the love and special bonds of friendship that binds us all here and keeps us coming back.
The fact that we all have very deep, caring feelings for our special Cute family members, that we support them in their time of trials and cheer them in their life's victories, that we cry for them and with them, worry about them and for them, laugh at them and with them, and that we are allowed to express ourselves for the very unique, individual, caring, loving, supporting, people that we are.

It allows us to be ourselves and share the very essence of what makes us WOMEN. (Sorry Guys)

For WOMEN it is all about relationships, and that is why this site is so special, it is not just about embroidery, it is about the relationships made within a common interest of embroidery.

All families have disagreements, it does not mean you love each other any less, it actually means you love each other enough to be open an honest with each other, disagree, argue and love each other even more afterwards.

It would be a very dull old world if we were all in total agreement, about everything, all of the time.

There is an old saying "One man's meat, is another man's poison" it just means we don't all have exactly the same thoughts, feelings, ideas, likes or dislikes.....

but when you love another person, all that means nothing as you love that person IN SPITE of it and you have agreed that "THE RELATIONSHIP" you have is more important than such trivial disagreements.
You love and care enough for each other that YOU AGREE TO DISAGREE rather than risk losing the relationship you have.

Hugs n roses and much love, Meganne

PS. I thought all the freebie posts I saw from you was a bit unusual. LOL!!!

bokkieborduur by bokkieborduur 16 May 2009

Thank you for being a frien(S) This is for all the Cuties of the World. Love Marie

pennifold by pennifold 16 May 2009

Couldn't have said this any better Meg - you are wonderful with words.

Love and blessings Chris

castelyn by castelyn 16 May 2009

You have a way of putting it a cross so well in words Megs well done Hugs Yvonne

caydebug by caydebug 16 May 2009

Cheers Meg, you have spoken well. Sums it all up in the best way that any of us can. Prayers and God's blessings, Libbie

by camylow 16 May 2009

not sure of what's going on...but I welcome freebies like most...Love to hear happy things going on for others...cry when something bad happens to someone here...pray for those who ask for and rejoice when someone has been blessed.....try to help any way I can (which isn't much) ignore rudness of anyone because there is that wherever you go.....wish I was as talented as everyone to send flowers and get excited when mine grows also....I only hope I do not offend anyone along the way.....

1 comment
designgirl by designgirl 16 May 2009

I agree, this is a GREAT SITE. I love it.

by tinfriend 15 May 2009

Pse ignore it Maria!

I must say that I feel that I have somehow been 'thrown under the bus' so to speak by someone (some people?), on this Group because of the fact that I am STILL banned by Skeldale's Yahoo Group and yet I have NOT posted ANY links about freebies from that Website or Yahoo Group - go figure!

I was going to leave Cute but then decided not to because I knew that there are more good people here than the few 'bad apples' and I was not going to let them spoil it for me!

Some people don't have anything better to do - I have this problem within my family with a sister than is causing so much havoc in my family!

Just know that you are loved and appreciated by us! IF you still have any doubts then just take a look at your 'flower garden'!! :-)


by caydebug 15 May 2009

Maria, there is not a family( as we consider ourselves) anywhere that doesn't have a blowup one time or another. I love the post more that I do the freebies. Don't get me wrong, the free designs are super, but I love the connection and friendship from folks like you and the rest of the Cute family. Some only want to be here for the freebies. Most want to be here for the laughter, the stories, pics, help, prayers and the connection to other cultures. I love to here from those in other countries. Their customs, their animals and their families. When someone doesnot post for a while, we get concerned about them. There is so much love and friendship here, that some people just can't stand the fact that we all share our little worlds with each other. And that we enjoy it.
The way I see it, is that if people do not like this site, then don't come and visit. We love company, but we cannot make them stay. Your postings mean a lot to all of us, not just for the free designs, but also for your friendship. Don't let it get to you, that's what some people want. Prayers and God's blessings, Libbie

by emily16838 15 May 2009

tHANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR POSTS i WOULD BE LOST WITHOUT YOUR HELP...oh sorry My husband always Cap everything when he is on and I forget to check...I'm to crazy right now to start all sewing room is under construction and all my stuff is spewed all out the house. I'm dieing to embroidery but the face lift coming first. Please continue

by manami 15 May 2009

Maria, it's so nice you are back, I love your posts and comments. Don't forget that we have "bad apples" everywhere we go, unfortunatelly. Love(from my heart) to you. Yoriko

by gerryvb 15 May 2009

like to see the projects and I like to read all Q & A but also the posting of freebies, and the reminders. thanks , hope you keep posting.

by mariahail 15 May 2009

(computer problems) this site, for a few days I decided not to post any free designs and even the person behind initiating this hateful comments posted on community that week, so I told a friend, just to prove that YOUR comments are just an example or you unconditional love to me, I posted lots of freebies and knew this was going to hapen. I have never seen ONE POSTING OF THIS PERSON ON BOOKMARKS, yet she is ready to cast the first much for love and friendship. Love is a very short word and should be use only when your heart is willing to do so, not just your lips.For now, just don't waste your time on getting upset when I post a design, because I will continue to do so, there are more good apples than bad ones in this basket.

shadoe by shadoe 15 May 2009

Thanks for being you/Shadoe

minicow by minicow 15 May 2009

good on you my friend- I look for your name everytime I visit- you stay the way you are - I'm unable to post much you
hugs and sparkles from minicow who is on her way to a meet of my miniature club- making a 1/44th scale cottage- will be Australian of course ggggg

marjialexa by marjialexa 16 May 2009

ttt Love you, Maria! Marji