by waterlily 13 May 2009

can be used while embroidering... I think to keep thread from unraveling too quickly and causing bunching inside the machine?? Am I correct on this?? you just put the thread net on the spool, and the thread will feed off the spool correctly? Do you have to pull the thread through one of the net holes? I just can't imagine how the thread will feed off of the spool without having the net slip off. ONE more question... Do thread nets make it easier to use varigated and metalic thread?


by clawton 14 May 2009

I use thread nets on the spools of my multi-spool holder which is above the machine. It helps to keep them from coming off of the spool too loosely.

by annsalem 13 May 2009

On my Serger site they show you that the net is pushed through the hole then pulled over the tread.Pull it over from the bottom leaving a small space at the top so that the thread runs smoothly.


by celticlady1031 13 May 2009

Meg, in reading your answer you say you make up nets. What do you make them out of? I only have a few because of the cost.

by daisy530 13 May 2009

Thanks Meganne for the great tips and thanks to Waterlily for asking.

1 comment
waterlily by waterlily 13 May 2009

No Problem Daisy! I have learned a lot from other people's questions. This site is so great! So much experience is shared here!

by shirlener88 13 May 2009

Colleen, I use a thread net on my Metallic threads, only. But then I have a different system for all the thread ends - I have been using that non-stick tape - that sticks to itself - for years - but starting using that technique that you twist the end loop three times and pull the end - like the manufactor's does - we each find ways that work for us - use what you can of all these suggustions and enjoy embroidery. *4U

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waterlily by waterlily 13 May 2009

Thank you Shirlene! I never even thought of the non-stick tape. As far as twisting the loop....I'm more likely to create a knot and make a bigger mess. LOL!

by bikermomfl 13 May 2009

I use thread nets on all my metalics, but I fold it in half, seems to work better on my machine, then I bought some threads on ebay that were kinda weird spools and wouldn't feed right but a thread net fixed that. I got mine on ebay and they were pretty cheap. Your dealer also has them. Definetly a good investment on some if not all your threads. I keep one on all my megal spools to keep them from unraveling.....

1 comment
waterlily by waterlily 13 May 2009

Thanks so much for answering! I will deffinately check ebay. I had looked for thread nets on some of the embroidery sites, and they were kind of pricey so I juat haven't invested yet.

by mops Moderator 13 May 2009

I use the nets for embroidery, mainly when using metallic threads as I haven't enough to cover every spool I have, not by a long way. Meganne's answer is so exhausting there's really nothing to add.

meganne by meganne 13 May 2009

Aw, I'm sorry my answer was exhausting!!! LOL!!! hugs n love, M

waterlily by waterlily 13 May 2009

Well, at the price of the nets, it's certainly understandable why you don't have enough for every spool of thered! LOL!

by manami 13 May 2009

I also use thread nets while embroidering. Meganne's answer is very good!

1 comment
waterlily by waterlily 13 May 2009

Thanks for answering! I'm deffinately going to have to get some.

by meganne 13 May 2009

I use mine ALL THE TIME. I don't swap and change nets but have one on each and every spool, I make up more nets every time I buy more spools.
A1. Yes.
A2. Yes
A3. Yes
A4. no, the nets are open top and bottom, you just pull the thread through the top of the net.
The nets are very stretchy and they are a snug fit, they don't budge and the thread feeds effortlessly.
A5. Yes Metallic threads feed much better with nets. Variegated threads are no different to ordinary threads but still benefit from the use of thread nets.

The safety factor is an added bonus, no loose dangling threads to get caught up in fly wheels while spools are sitting round waiting to be used.
Once you've used one, you will feel so much happier knowing this fact alone.

No more tangled spools when they're stored.
No more threads unravelling too quickly and getting caught, on place it shouldn't, between the spool and machine.
No more jerky unravelling of threads.
Only disadvantage, it's not easy to see your colours once each spool is safely ensconced in its own net. Small price to pay.
Hugs n roses. Meganne

waterlily by waterlily 13 May 2009

Thank you so much for your very informative answer! I deffinately got what I needed to know! I think a thread stand may be in order, too!

marlakay by marlakay 13 May 2009

Thanks for your answer. Very informative.

by blhamblen 13 May 2009

You are correct...if they are loose enough they CAN keep the thread from unwinding too much..I use a spool stand and haven't had any trouble with the net pulling off while sewing ...I used varrigated without a problem BUT haven't tried with metalic YET!

1 comment
waterlily by waterlily 13 May 2009

Thank You for answering. I need to try uing one while I embroider.